Figure 1. Phenotypes of NM IIA, NM IIB, and NM IIC-KO cell lines on homogenously coated substrates are very distinct.
(A) U2OS WT cells show a polarized phenotype with prominent dorsal stress fibers (dSF) (1), transverse arcs (tA) (2), and ventral stress fibers (vSF) (3). Mature focal adhesions (FA) are visualized by elongated paxillin clusters that localize at the distal ends of dSF or both ends of vSF. (B) The NM IIA-KO leads to drastic morphological changes and the loss of most SFs and mature FAs. The overall actin structure resembles a dense meshwork of fine actin filaments (1). At the trailing edge, long cell extensions remain (2) and the only bundled actin fibers resemble vSF (3). (C) NM IIB-KO cells reveal slight changes in SF organization and FA structure. dSF (1), tA (2) and vSF (3) are present but their distinct localization pattern is disturbed. (D) The phenotype of NM IIC-KO cells is comparable to the WT. dSF (1), tA (2) and vSF (3) localize in a distinct pattern along the cell axis of polarized cells. (E) The mean FA area per cell is reduced for NM IIA-KO and NM IIB-KO cells, whereas FA density is only reduced in NM IIA-KO cells (F). Scale bars represent 10 µm for overviews and 2 µm for insets of (A) - (D).