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. 2021 Aug 27;128(11):1687–1703. doi: 10.1007/s00702-021-02400-5

Table 2.

Past neurological history, and new-onset neurological symptoms and disorders/complications associated with the hospitalized COVID-19 patients included in the analysis (N = 10,881)

Past neurological history Frequency (%) New-onset neurological symptoms Frequency (%) New-onset neurological disorders/complications Frequency (%)
Stroke/cerebrovascular diseases 321 (2.95) Headache 607 (5.58) Any neurological disorder/complication 976 (8.97)
Dementia 3 (0.35) Anosmia/hyposmia 544 (5.00) Encephalopathy 622 (5.72)
Epilepsy 27 (0.25) Altered sensorium 479 (4.40) Any acute cerebrovascular disease 367 (3.37)
Neuropathy 9 (0.08) Ageusia/dysgeusia 338 (3.11)  Acute cerebrovascular infarction 262 (2.41)
Movement disorder 6 (0.06) Myalgia 256 (2.35)  Acute cerebrovascular hemorrhagic stroke 101 (0.93)
Headache syndrome 5 (0.04) Extremity weakness 246 (2.26) Any seizure disorder 125 (1.16)
Central nervous system infection 5 (0.04) Dizziness 159 (1.46)  Acute symptomatic seizure 63 (0.58)
Neuromuscular junction disorder 5 (0.04) Confusion 143 (1.31)  Status epilepticus 19 (0.17)
Central demyelinating syndrome 2 (0.02) Vomiting 126 (1.16)  Epilepsy 17 (0.16)
Myelopathy 2 (0.02) Seizure 96 (0.88) Anoxic brain 51 (0.47)
Peripheral nervoussystem infection 3 (0.03) Dysarthria 83 (0.76) Any movement disorder 3 (0.03)
Myopathy 0 Nausea 82 (0.75) Inflammatory syndromes
Extremity numbness/paresthesia 53 (0.49)  Meningitis 13 (0.12)
Facial weakness 40 (0.37)  Encephalitis 6 (0.06)
Tremor 25 (0.23)  Meningoencephalitis 1 (0.01)
Facial numbness/paresthesia 20 (0.18)  Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis 1 (0.01)
Dysphagia 16 (0.15)  Acute necrotizing hemorrhagic encephalopathy 0
Tongue weakness 8 (0.07)  Cerebellitis 0
Blindness/decreased vision 6 (0.06)  Cerebellitis 0
Ataxia 5 (0.04)  Optic neuritis 1 (0.01)
Meningismus 5 (0.04)  Myelitis 0
Hearing loss/decreased hearing 4 (0.04)  Sensory ganglionitis dorsal radiculitis 0
Dysphonia 4 (0.04)  Anterior horn syndrome polio-like syndrome/ventral radiculitis 2 (0.02)
Neck weakness 3 (0.03)  Peripheral neuritis/GBS-like syndrome 5 (0.04)
Ophthalmoparesis/ophthalmoplegia 2 (0.02)  Peripheral neuritis other than GBS-like syndrome 1 (0.01)
Eye pain 3 (0.03)  Myositis 1 (0.01)
Bradykinesia 3 (0.03) Neuromuscular disorder 3 (0.03)
Dystonia 0
Choreoathethosis 0

GBS Guillain–Barré syndrome