ML-FFs combine the accuracy of ab initio methods
and the efficiency of classical FFs. They provide easy access to a
system’s potential energy surface (PES), which can in turn
be used to derive a plethora of other quantities. By using them to
run MD simulations on a single PES, ML-FFs allow chemical insights
inaccessible to other methods (see gray box). For example, they accurately
model electronic effects and their influence on thermodynamic observables
and allow a natural description of chemical reactions, which is difficult
or even impossible with conventional FFs. Their efficiency also allows
them to be applied in situations where the Born–Oppenheimer
approximation begins to break down and a single PES no longer provides
an adequate description. An example is the study of nuclear quantum
effects and electronically excited states (upper right). Finally,
ML-FFs can be further enhanced by modeling additional properties.
This provides direct access to a wide range of molecular spectra,
building a bridge between theory and experiment (lower right). In
general, such studies would be prohibitively expensive with ab initio methods.