Algorithm 1: Pseudo code for hybridized ENN-GNDO-IPA algorithm. |
Global Search Phase Generalized normal distribution optimizer: Start
Population size N, The Upper and Lower bounds (u,l). Current number of iteration is t and maximum number of iterations is (Max_iter). Initial population is developed randomly by the entries of real number with number of dimensions equal to unknown parameters in ENN structure. Weights = W = [, , ], .
Generate population P of n candidates with the set of random weights drawn from a normal distribution as:
P = [, , , …, ],
= [, , , …, ], = [, , , …, ] and = [, , , …, ].
Output: Choose the current best solution i.e., . Initializations of GNDO: Initialize population P.
The iteration is updated as . Main Loop while
do for if p is randomly generated between 0 and 1. if
end if end for The iteration is updated as . end while
Storage: Store global best weights and corresponding fitness values. Generalized normal distribution Optimization: End Local Search Phase Interior Point Algorithm: Start
Output: GNDO-IPA best weights i.e., Initialization: Start-Point as number of iterations, bound constraints.-
Adaption process ends if any of the following conditions are met:
Fitness , total iterations ≤ 2000
TolFun ≤, TolX ≤
TolCon ≤, Max. Fun. Evaluations ≤ 200,000
while (satisfied the required termination)
Fitness evaluation: Calculate fitness of each weight vector C.
Fine-tuning: Use ‘fmincon’ and ‘optimset’ routines of the MATLAB optimization toolbox for IPA. Update parameters of C for each generation of IPA and calculate fitness () of modified C.
Storage: Accumulate weights vector , fitness value, iterations, and function evaluations. Interior point Algorithm: End