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. 2021 Aug 13;10(11):641–661. doi: 10.1089/wound.2018.0937

Table 2.

Summary of deep learning studies on wound tissue segmentation and classification

Works Goals Methods Database Results
Sofia Zahia [2018, USA]
Tissue classification and segmentation of pressure injuries using ConvNets57
Segmentation of the different tissue types present in pressure injuries (granulation, slough, and necrotic tissues) using a small database ConvNet (5 × 5 inputs) 22 images 1,020 × 1,020
Patches 5 × 5 -75% for training set and 25% for test set
Accuracy = 92.01%
DSC = 91.38% Precision per class:
Granulation = 97.31%
Necrotic = 96.59%
Slough = 77.90%
H. Nejati [2018, Singapore]
Fine-grained wound tissue analysis using deep neural network61
Classification of seven types of tissues (necrotic, slough, infected, epithelialization, healthy, unhealthy, hyper granulation) AlexNet (227 × 227 inputs) SVM (HSV, LBP, HSV+LBP)—Principal component analysis 350 images
Patches 20 × 20
Resizing patches to 227 × 227
Three-fold cross validation:
AlexNet = 86.40%
HSV = 77.57%
LBP = 79.66%
HSV+LBP = 77.09%
Fangzhao Li [2018, China]
A composite model of wound segmentation based on traditional methods and deep neural networks63
Wound image segmentation framework that combines traditional digital image processing and deep learning methods FCN (MobileNet) 950 images Precision = 94;69%
Manu Goyal [2017, UK]
DFUNet: CNNs for DFU classification84
Novel fast CNN architecture called DFUNet for classification of ulcers and non-ulcerous skin which outperformed GoogLeNet and AlexNets DFUNet
SVM (LBP+HOG+color descriptors)
292 images of patient's foot with ulcer and 105 images of the healthy foot
Patches 256 × 256 -85% for training set, 5% for validation set and 10% testing set
Data Augmentation (rotation, flipping, color spaces)
AUC curve:
DFUNet = 0.9608
LeNet = 0.9292
AlexNet = 0.9504
GoogleNet = 0.9604
LBP = 0.9322
LBP+HOG = 0.9308
LBP+HOG+Color Descriptors = 0.9430
Manu Goyal [2017, UK]
Fully convolutional networks for diabetic foot ulcer segmentation58
Automated segmentation of DFU and its surrounding skin by using fully connected networks FCN-AlexNet
600 DFU images and 105 healthy foot images
From 600 DFU images in the dataset, they produced 600 ROIs of DFU and 600 ROIs for surrounding skin around the DFU.
Specificity for Ulcer:
FCN-AlexNet = 0.982
FCN-32s = 0.986
FCN-16s = 0.986
FCN-8s = 0.987
Specificity for Surrounding skin:
FCN-AlexNet = 0.991
FCN-32s = 0.989
FCN-16s = 0.994
FCN-8s = 0.993
Changhan Wang [2015, USA]
A unified framework for automatic wound segmentation and analysis with CNN62
Wound segmentation for surface area estimation and features extraction
Infection detection
Healing progress prediction
Kernel SVM
Gaussian Process Regression
350 images
Patches 20 × 20
Resizing patches to 227 × 227
SVM (RGB) = 77.6%
ConvNet = 95%

Wound Imaging: ready for smart assessment and monitoring.

AUC, area under the curve; CNNs, convolutional neural networks; DFU, diabetic foot ulcer; DSC, dice similarity coefficient; FCN, fully convolutional network; HOG, histogram of oriented gradients; HSV, hue saturated value; LBP, local binary pattern; SVM, support vector machine.

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