Figure 3.
(A) Differential modulus K′ as a function of external prestress σ for PIC gel without MIONRs (CPIC = 0.5 mg mL–1, T = 37 °C). The dotted lines correspond to the modulus of the PIC/MIONR hybrids at magnetic field B = 1 T. (B) All experimental samples collapse on a master curve when σint is plotted against the product CMIONR·CPIC. The dashed line is a power law fit to the experimental data with a slope of 0.73. (C,D) The internal force in the network, averaged per fiber, Fint calculated from the stiffening response (eqs S2 and S3) as a function of CMIONR and CPIC. Fint scales linearly with CMIONR and decreases slightly with increasing CPIC (line is a guide to the eye). (E,F) The magnetic force exerted by the MIONRs, averaged per network fiber as a function of CMIONR and CPIC. Fm scales linearly with CMIONR and decreases with increasing CPIC (line is a guide to the eye).