(a) A typical voltage response, after
cell assembly, for Cu-Li
half cells made with the two Cu surface treatments, d- HCl and c-AcH.
The rest period at OCV is followed by galvanostatic SEI formation
and Li deposition on Cu using a 0.03 mA cm–2 current
density (normalized to the Cu WE area). This procedure was used to
prepare the samples for SEM and XPS. (b) A typical voltage response
during SEI formation on Cu using 0.03 mA cm–2 current
density, between OCV and 2 V (I), followed by eSEI2V formation
during a voltage hold at 2 V (II) and galvanostatic Li deposition
using 1.2 mA cm–2 current density (III). (c) A typical
current response during the constant voltage hold at 2 V (denoted
as stage II in (b)). The data presented in (b) and (c) are measured
on c-AcH-Cu. The profile depicted in (b) was used to prepare the samples
for ToF-SIMS.