John |
Keep a healthy weight (76%) |
Daily light exercise, i.e., walking 6 K per day (56%) |
Swimming 5 times a week (85%) |
Sam |
Implement new sleeping routines—go to bed at latest 11 p.m. (no valid number) |
Eat vegetables with each meal (no valid number) |
Physical exercise 3 times a week (no valid number) |
Richard |
Eat vegetables with each supper (65%) |
Light exercise of at least 20 min/day (35%) |
Reduce the intake of snacks and cakes (69%) |
Mona |
20 min daily walking (11%) |
Go to the gym once a week (dancing once a week) (44%) |
Eat at least two portions of vegetables per day (48%) |
George |
Go to the gym twice a week (55%) |
Eat more fruits (taking lunch walks twice a week) (35%) |
Eat more vegetables (42%) |
Tina |
Walk 10 K per week (running 3 times/week) (76%) |
Eat at least one fruit per day (96%) |
Eat at least one portion of vegetables/day (92%) |