Figure 1.
Representative cases of CCD.
(a) 76 year-old AD (A+T+) patient with posterior cortical atrophy syndrome. CCD is noted on 18F-FDG PET (top row), with left cerebellar hypometabolism (arrowhead). Cortical hypometabolism is asymmetric, with predominant involvement of the hemisphere contralateral to cerebellar hypometabolism (arrow). Significant asymmetry is also noted on 18F-Flortaucipir PET (dotted arrow, middle row), with greater binding in the right cerebral cortex mirroring hypometabolism, which is not the case for 11C-PIB (bottom row). The right panel shows selected 18F-FDG axial slices of patients with CCD and clinical diagnoses of corticobasal syndrome (b), semantic variant primary progressive aphasia (c), and progressive supra-nuclear palsy (D, very mild CCD). Cortical and cerebellar indices of asymmetry (IA) are indicated for 18F-FDG.