Table 3.
Purpose | Data Collected | Intrusiveness | Examples |
Regular documentation and analysis | Health, travel history, drug purchase behaviors, etc. | High | CHN, TW, HK—border control health declaration by scanning a QR code [72] CHN—“Health code” [73], drug purchase direct reporting system [34], health self-reporting system, online registration system for employees to contain risk, etc. TW [74]—big data system to integrate health insurance and customs and immigration database; a digital platform to operate a nationalized system of mask distribution, and the “NHI Express App” for users to check mask availability SK—big data system to collect people’s credit card transaction data, CCTV footage, and mobile phone locations etc. |
Real-time tracking and alert system | Health, travel history, GPS location, CCTV footage, etc. | High | TW [14]—electronic security monitoring system and SMS notifications; social distancing alert app HK [75]—wristbands and mobile app SK [24]—cell phones vibrate with emergency alerts when cases are nearby |
Contact tracing | Health, basic socio-economic status, travel history, credit card, CCTV footage, etc. | High | CHN [76], TW [14], SK [77], VN [78]—using big data to trace contacts SG [42]—TraceTogether (mobile app) VN [41]—Bluezone (mobile app) |
Online health consultation and diagnosis | Health, travel history, and other relevant information per request | Medium | CHN [79]—remote consultation with doctors online; AI-assisted diagnosis JP [80], VN [81]—remote consultation SK [82]—self-diagnosis app |
Non-human-contact delivery and management | N/A | Low | CHN [79,83]— Drones: delivery of goods and medical samples; disinfection; crowd management Robots: meals delivery and disinfection |
Peer and community support | N/A | Low | CHN [84]—WeChat group to coordinate needs for living essential goods for collective order and delivery SG [85]—“Stay Home for Singapore” portal |
CHN = Mainland China; JP = Japan; SG = Singapore; SK = South Korea; TW = Taiwan; VN = Vietnam; N/A = not available.