Figure 7:
β1R immunoreactivity. A: Left: Representative photomicrograph of β1R immunoreactivity in the. Right: Cell count estimates in the 10N. B: Left: Representative photomicrograph of β1R in the AMB. Right: Cell count estimates in the AMB. C: Representative photomicrograph of β1R in the NTS. Relative optical density in the NTS. β1R cell count estimates in the 10N and AMB were greater for Pink1−/− rats than for WTs. Relative optical density in the NTS was lower for Pink1−/− rats than for WTs. A and B images at 40x magnification, scale bars are 50μm; C image taken at 10x magnification, scale bar is 500μm. Arrows in A and B point to immunoreactive cells. β1R: β1 adrenoreceptor immunoreactivity. 10N: dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. NTS: Nucleus of the solitary tract. *p<0.05. Light and dark gray bars indicate WT and Pink1−/−, respectively. Error bars indicate +/− SEM.