Table 1:
Primary Antibody | Immunogen Target | Manufacturer (product number); RRID; Lot Number | Host/Concentration: | Type |
Brain Region Quantification method |
LC | NTS | 10N | AMB | |||||
| ||||||||
Anti-β1AR | Synthetic peptide corresponding to mouse β1AR aa 394–408 | abcam (ab3442); AB_10890808; GR3295387–4 | Rabbit/1:2000 | Polyclonal | US | ROD | US | US |
| ||||||||
Anti-α1AR | Synthetic peptide corresponding to residues K(339) F S R E K K A A K T(349) of the 3rd intracellular loop of human α1AR | Thermo Fisher Scientific/Invitrogen (PA1–047); AB_2273801; UG277737 | Rabbit/1:2000 | Polyclonal | US | ROD | US | US |
| ||||||||
Anti-NET | Peptide (C)KLLNASVLGDHTKYSK, corresponding to amino acid residues 189–204 of mouse NET | Thermo Fisher Scientific/Invitrogen (PA5–77494); AB_2736247; VB2931552 | Rabbit/1:5000 | Polyclonal | ROD | ROD | ROD | ROD |
| ||||||||
Anti-TH | TH (NCBI gene ID: 25085 | EMD Millipore (AB152); AB_390204; 3328928 | Rabbit/1:2000 | Polyclonal | US | --- | --- | --- |
AR adrenoreceptor, NET norepinephrine transporter, TH tyrosine hydroxylase, LC locus coeruleus, NTS nucleus of the solitary tract, 10N dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, AMB nucleus ambiguus, US unbiased stereology, ROD relative optical density, RRID research reference ID