Fig. 3.
Boxplot of placental DNAm and gene expression levels. The x-axis denotes placental DNAm of cg22363520, based on median split (beta-value of 0.9522), beta-values below or equal to the median are depicted in purple, beta-values above the median depicted in yellow. The y-axis denotes gene expression levels of FKBP5 after variance-stabilizing transformation. The association stays significant after exclusion of one potential outlier in the group below the median (p = 0.0036) (a). The x-axis denotes placental DNAm of cg22363520, based on median split (beta-value of 0.9522), beta-values below or equal to the median are depicted in purple, beta-values above the median depicted in yellow. The y-axis denotes the eigengene of the turquoise module (b)