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. 2021 Aug 26;26(34):2100184. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.34.2100184

Table 3. Characteristics of SARS-CoV-2 infections among household members, detected during the school survey in Berlin, Germany, 2–16 November 2020 (n = 14).

Index participant’s school type; household number Positive index household member in school Social stratuma Ct value Temperature (≥ 37.5 °C); self-measured Reported present symptoms Symptoms before test day New symptoms after test day Contact with a confirmed or suspected case in preceding 2 weeks Total number of positive household members at testing (n/n tested)
Primary school; H1 Yes High 19.3 37.9 None (but febrile at examination) None 1 day after test: fever, cough, felt very ill for 14 days Yes 2/2
Primary school; H2 No High 20.4 36.0 None 5 days before test: feverish 5 days after test: limb pain, weakness, felt very ill for 14 days No 1/3
Primary school; H3 No Low 25.9 37.2 Cough None None None stated 2/4
Primary school; H3 No Low 25.2 36.7 Sore throat None None None stated 2/4
Primary school; H4 Yes Low 26.1 36.4 None 3 days before test: cold symptoms Anosmia None stated 2/4
Primary school; H5b No Low 23.5 36.3 Rhinorrhoea, cough 3 days before test: cold symptoms for 10 days None Yes 1/4
Primary school; H6 Yes Low 11.9 NA None 5 days before test: limb pain, anosmia 2 days after test: fever, feeling very ill, after 7 days hospitalised for 5 days receiving oxygen None stated 4/6
Primary school; H6 Yes Low 21.9 NA None 14 days before test: cough None None stated 4/6
Primary school; H6 Yes Low 22.5 NA None 14 days before test: mild cold None Yes 4/6
Secondary school; H7b Nob Low 21.6 36.3 Cough 14 days before test: fever and cough for 3 days None Yes 3/3
Secondary school; H7b Nob Low 19.4 36.3 Rhinorrhoea 10 days before test: start of cold None Yes 3/3
Primary school; H8b No Low 21.4 NA Rhinorrhoea, anosmia None None Yes 2/5
Primary school; H8b No Low 16.9 NA Rhinorrhoea, cough, anosmia Cold symptoms None Yes 2/5
Secondary school; H9 No Low 24.8 35.7 None 14 days before: mild cold None No data 1/5

Ct: cycle threshold; H: household; NA: not available; SARS-CoV-2: severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.

a Strata ranking is primarily characterised by indicators of unemployment, state transfer payments and corresponding income, as well as health indicators such as premature and avoidable mortality and tobacco-related serious illnesses [16].

b In quarantine.

Age not reported to avoid identification of participants.