Table 1.
Study characteristics.
Author & Year | Cancer Type | Country | Aim | Hospital Type | Study Design | Inclusion Period | Participants |
Acher et al., 2005 [48] | Urological cancers (prostate cancer) | UK | To examine the impact of MDTM on changes in management. | William Harvey Hospital (General hospital) | Prospective cohort study | 6 months (date not specified) | 124 discussions |
Anania et al., 2019 [17] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | Italy | To compare the multidisciplinary experience group with the previous approach before the advent of the multidisciplinary program. | S. Anna Hospital (University hospital) | Retrospective before–after study | February 2007–April 2017 MDTM implementation in 2012 |
Non-MDTM: 45 patients MDTM: 51 patients Total: 96 patients |
Boxer et al., 2011 [38] | Lung cancer | Australia | To evaluate the impact of MDTMs by comparing patterns of care among patients who were presented at an MDTM with those who were not presented at a meeting during the same period. | The Liverpool and Macarthur Cancer therapy centers (General hospital) | Prospective case-control study | 1 December 2005–31 December 2008 | Non-MDTM: 484 patients MDTM: 504 patients Total: 988 patients |
Brandão et al., 2020 [55] | Breast cancer | Mozambique | To assess the impact of implementing an MDTM on the cost-effectiveness, care and survival. | Maputo Central hospital (General Hospitals) | Prospective before–after study | January 2015 and August 2017 Follow-up until November 2019 MDTM implementation: March 2016 |
Non-MDTM: 98 patients MDTM: 107 patients Total: 205 patients |
Bydder et al., 2009 [39] | Non-small cell lung cancer | Australia | To examine the proportion of patients that is discussed by the MDTM and the impact on the treatment and survival. | Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (Tertiary Hospitals) |
Prospective case-control study | 2006 Follow-up until 31 March 2008 |
Non-MDTM: 17 patients MDTM: 81 patients Total: 98 patients |
Chen et al., 2018 [18] | Colorectal cancer with lung or liver metastasis | Taiwan | To investigate whether MDTM intervention is associated with improved survival. | Wan Fang Hospital (University hospital) | Case-control study | January 2007–December 2017 Mean follow-up: 84 months ± 35 months |
Non-MDTM: 86 patients MDTM: 75 patients Total: 161 patients |
Chinai et al., 2013 | Colorectal cancer | UK | To evaluate the clinical impact and cost-effectiveness of a MDTM. | Derriford Hospital Plymouth Hospitals (General hospitals) |
Prospective cohort study | 3 months (date not specified) | 47 patients |
De Luca et al., 2019 [49] | Prostate cancer | Italy | To investigate the impact on clinical management of the uro-oncology MDTM. | San Luigi Hospital (Tertiary hospital) | Prospective cohort study | Jan 2016–June 2017 | 201 patients/272 discussions |
El Khoury et al., 2016 [50] | Urological cancers (prostate cancer) | Lebanon | To examine the impact of MDTMs on the management decision for urological cancers. | Notre-Dame de Secours University Medical Centre (University hospital) | Prospective cohort study | July 2012–July 2014. | Prostate: 82 patients |
Fernando et al., 2017 [20] | Colorectal cancer | New Zealand | The primary objective to determine which patients benefit most from MDTMs, and secondarily to determine whether there was a group of patients which could be managed by protocol without discussion at the MDTM. | Christchurch Hospital (Tertiary hospital) | Prospective case-control study | 1 September 2013–1 November 2014 | Non-MDTM: 182 patients MDTM: 459 patients Total: 641 patients |
Foucan et al., 2020 [37] | Colorectal cancer (colon cancer) | France | To evaluate the factors associated with the non-presentation in MDTM, and to assess the association between non-MDTM and therapeutic care management. | Multicenter | Retrospective case-control study | 2010 (date not specified) | Non-MDTM: 142 patients MDTM: 431 patients Total: 573 patients |
Freeman et al., 2015 [40] | Non-small cell lung cancer | US | To compare quality and cost metrics for propensity-matched MDTM patients to patients without access to such care coordination across a geographically diverse system of hospitals. | Multicenter | Retrospective case-control study | 2008–2012 (date not specified) | Non-MDTM: 6627 patients MDTM: 6627 patients Total: 13,254 patients |
Hung et al., 2020 [46] | Non-small cell lung cancer | Taiwan | To prove MDTM discussion could prolong the average time of survival for patients with stage III NSCLC. | Taipei Veterans General Hospital (General hospital) | Retrospective before–after study | January 2013–December 2018 MDTM implementation February 2016 |
Non-MDTM: 273 patients MDTM: 242 patients Total: 515 patients |
Jung et al., 2018 [21] | Colorectal cancer | Korea | To assess the impact of MDTM on clinical decision making. | Asan Medical Center (Tertiary hospital) | Prospective cohort study | 1 January 2011–31 December 2014 | 1383 patients |
Karagkounis et al., 2018 [22] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | US | To determine the frequency and manner in which MDTM changed the management of patients. | Cleveland clinic (University hospital) | Prospective cohort study | July 2015–June 2016 | 316 patients/414 discussions |
Kurpad et al., 2011 [51] | Genitourinary cancers (prostate cancer) | US | To study the effect of MDTMs on the diagnosis and treatment decisions of new patients. | Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center (University hospital) | Prospective cohort study | June 2007–June 2008 | Prostate: 92 patients |
Lan et al., 2016 [23] | Colorectal cancer | Taiwan | Analyzing and comparing the outcomes of colorectal cancer patients with metastatic disease before and after the era of MDTM. | Taipei Veterans General Hospital (Tertiary hospital) | Before–after study | January 2001–December 2010 MDTM implementation: October 2007 |
Non-MDTM: 636 patients MDTM: 439 patients Total: 1075 patients |
MacDermid et al., 2009 [24] | Colorectal cancer | UK | To assess the effect of this on patient’s survival, and trends in the use of adjuvant chemotherapy. | Royal Alexandra Hospital (General hospital) | Before–after study | January 1997–December 2005 MDTM implementation: June 2002 |
Non-MDTM: 176 patients MDTM: 134 patients Total: 310 patients |
Maurizi et al., 2017 [36] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | Italy | To evaluate the improvements on rectal cancer treatment outcomes after the introduction of the MDTMs. | Carlo Urbani hospital (General hospital) | Before–after study | January 2014–December 2015 MDTM implementation: January 2015 |
Non-MDTM: 30 patients MDTM: 35 patients Total: 65 patients |
Munro et al., 2015 [25] | Colorectal cancer | UK | To review the effect of MDTM, and implementation of recommendations, on survival. | Hospitals in Tayside region in Eastern Scotland (General hospitals) | Case-control study | 1 January 2006–31 December 2007 Mean follow-up: 73.3 months |
Non-MDTM: 175 patients MDTM: 411 patients Total: 586 patients |
Murthy et al., 2014 [54] | Breast | US | To investigate the role of MDTM on patient management and how this led to treatment modifications. | Saint Barnabas Medical Center (General hospital) | Prospective cohort study | June 2010–June 2011 | 242 patients |
Muthukrishnan et al., 2020 [47] | Lung cancer | US | To investigate whether early MDTM discussions affected the time required to complete a lung cancer evaluation. |
Metrohealth Medical Center (University hospital) | Retrospective case-control study | December 2015–January 2017 | Non-MDTM: 106 patients MDTM: 55 patients Total: 161 patients |
Nikolovski et al., 2017 [26] | Colorectal cancer | Australia | To determine whether the introduction of MDTM altered the length of time to treatment. | Geelong Hospital (University hospital) | Before–after study | 1 January 2006–3 February 2011 | Non-MDTM Historical control: 56 patients Non-MDTM: 259 patients MDTM: 82 patients Total: 397 patients |
Palmer et al., 2011 [27] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | Sweden | To assess outcome in relation to preoperative local and distant staging, with or without MDTM. | Hospitals in Stockholm-Gotland region (University hospitals) | Prospective case-control study | 1995–2004 Follow-up: March 2008 |
Non MDTM: 99 patients MDTM: 65 patients Total: 303 patients |
Pan et al., 2015 [41] | Non-small cell lung cancer | Taiwan | To analyze the factors affecting survival, at each stage of NSCLC. | Multicenter | Retrospective cohort study | 2005–2011 | Non-MDTM: 27,937 patients MDTM: 4632 patients Total: 32,569 patients |
Rao et al., 2014 [52] | Urological cancers (prostate cancer) | Australia | To analyze the impact of the uro-oncology MDTMs on patient management decisions, and to develop criteria for patient inclusion in MDTMs. | Austin Hospital (Tertiary hospital) | Prospective cohort study | 3 month period in 2012 (date not specified) | Prostate: 47 discussions |
Richardson et al., 2016 [28] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | US | To assess whether MDTM participation improves process evaluation, outcomes and technical aspects of surgery. | Baylor University Medical Center (University hospital) | Retrospective before–after study | 2011–2014 MDTM implementation: January 2013 |
Non-MDTM: 42 patients MDTM (2013): 41 patients MDTM (2014): 47 patients Total: 130 patients |
Ryan et al., 2014 [29] | Colorectal cancer | Australia | To evaluate prospectively the colorectal MDTM to determine the utility of the meeting. | Western Health Melbourne (General hospital) | Prospective cohort study | 6 months (date not specified) | 197 patients/261 discussions |
Scarberry et al., 2018 [53] | Genitourinary cancers (prostate cancer) | US | To prospectively evaluate the effectiveness of MDTM on altering treatment plans. | University hospital Cleveland Medical Center (University hospital) | Prospective cohort study | September 2011–April 2013 | Prostate cancer: 125 patients |
Schmidt et al., 2015 [42] | Thoracic cancer (lung cancer) | US | To analyze the actual impact of MDTM presentation on decision making in thoracic cancer cases. | Virginia Mason Medical Center (General hospital) | Prospective cohort study | 1 June 2010–31 December 2012 | Lung cancer: 294 patients (451 discussions) |
Snelgrove et al., 2015 [30] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | Canada | To assess: (1) the quality of MDTM, (2) the effect of MDTM on the initial treatment plan, (3) compliance with the MDTM treatment recommendation and (4) clinical outcomes. |
Mount Sinai Hospital (University hospital) | Prospective cohort study | 1 September 2012–30 June 2013 | 42 patients |
Stone et al., 2018 [43] | Lung cancer | Australia | To evaluate outcomes including survival, according to MDTM presentation and to explore the utility of data obtained from local clinical sources. | St Vincent’s Hospital (University hospital) | Prospective case-control study | 1 January 2006–31 December 2012 Follow-up: 23 May 2014. |
Non-MDTM: 295 patients MDTM: 902 patients Total: 1197 patients |
Swellengrebel et al., 2011 [31] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | The Netherlands | To evaluate the additional value of MDTM discussion, with the occurrence of a positive CRM as an endpoint. | Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Netherlands cancer Institute (Tertiary hospital) | Case-control study | January 2006–January 2008 | Non- MDTM: 94 patients MDTM: 116 patients Total: 210 patients |
Tamburini et al., 2018 [44] | Non-small cell lung cancer | Italy | To evaluate the impact of MDTM on survival of patients undergoing surgery for NSCLC. | Ferrara University Hospital (University hospital) | Before–after study | January 2008–December 2015 MDTM implementation: 2012 |
Non-MDTM: 246 patients MDTM: 186 patients Total: 432 patients |
Tsai et al., 2020 [56] | Breast cancer | Taiwan | To investigate the influence of MDTM on the risk of recurrence and death. | Multicenter | Retrospective case-control study | 2004–2010 | Non-MDTM: 9266 patients MDTM: 9266 patients Total: 18,532 patients |
Ung et al., 2016 [45] | Lung cancer | Australia | To measure the impact of MDTM on clinicians’ management plans, and the implementation rate of the meeting recommendations. | Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (Tertiary referral center) | Prospective cohort study | March–May 2011 | 68 patients |
Vaughan-Shaw et al., 2015 [32] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | UK | To assess the impact of the introduction of a specialist early rectal cancer MDTM on the investigation and management of rectal cancer. | Cheltenham General Hospital (General hospital) | Before–after study | 24 months (2006 and 2011) MDTM implementation: 2011 |
Non-MDTM: 19 patients MDTM: 24 patients Total: 43 patients |
Wanis et al., 2017 [33] | Colorectal cancer with liver metastasis | Canada | To determine the access to and association between MDTM review and management amongst patients with colorectal cancer and synchronous liver metastases. | London Health Sciences Centre (University Hospital) | Retrospective case-control study | January 2008–June 2015 | Non-MDTM: 37 patients MDTM: 29 patients Total: 66 patients |
Wille-Jørgensen et al., 2013 [34] | Colorectal cancer (rectal cancer) | Denmark | To compare the outcomes of patients before and after the establishment of MDTMs in the two surgical departments in Copenhagen. | Bispebjerg and Hvidovre Hospitals (University hospitals) | Before–after study | 1 May 2001–31 August 2006 MDTM implementation: September 2004 |
Non-MDTM: 467 patients MDTM: 344 patients Total: 811 patients |
Yang et al., 2020 [57] | Breast cancer | China | To identify which clinicopathological characteristics may influence compliance with MDTM recommendations, and to evaluate whether MDTM compliance affects the prognosis of early breast cancer. |
Shanghai Ruijin Hospital (General hospital) | Retrospective cohort study | April 2013–August 2018 Mean follow-up: 32.75 months |
4501 patients |
Ye et al., 2012 [35] | Colorectal cancer | China | To assess the effect on management of colorectal cancer after the inception of an MDTM. | Peking University People’s Hospital (University hospital) | Before–after study | January 1999–September 2006 MDTM implementation: December 2002 |
Non-MDTM: 297 patients MDTM: 298 patients Total: 595 patients |
MDTM = multidisciplinary team meeting, NSCLC = non-small cell lung cancer, UK = United Kingdom, US = United States. Study design definitions: Cohort study = comparisons in outcomes made within one cohort; Before–after study = comparison of control group (no-MDTM) and MDTM group before and after implementation of MDTMs; Case-control study = comparison of control group (no-MDTM) with MDTM group, within the same time period.