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. 2021 Aug 23;18(16):8876. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18168876

Table 2.

Blind peer review at global meetings.

Name of Evaluated Student: ____________________________________________________________Date: __/__/__
Evaluating Student Name:
Knowledge and Skills Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree Total Score
Provides technical and professional health care appropriate to the health needs of the people served
Is capable of planning and providing nursing care directed to individuals, families, or groups, oriented towards health outcomes
Is able to understand the interactive behavior of the person based on gender, group, or community, within their impoverished and multicultural social context
Designs care plans directed at individuals, families, or groups, evaluating their impact and establishing the appropriate modifications in real time
Promotes healthy lifestyles, self-care, supporting the maintenance of preventive and therapeutic behaviors
Establish effective communication with patients, family, social groups, and colleagues, and promote health education fluently
Make good use of available resources
I have observed if there is collaboration between the different sectors of the health community and the social environment