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. 2021 Aug 16;10(8):1902. doi: 10.3390/foods10081902

Table 2.

Effects of oil crop species and cultivars of different sowing seasonality on saturated fatty acid (% of total FA) composition in seed lipids.

Fatty Acids Oil Crop Species Cultivars of Camelina
Camelina Hemp Flax Summer Winter
C14:0 0.05 e ± 0.01 0.03 f,a ± 0.001 0.04 f,b ± 0.001 0.05 E ± 0.001 0.48 F ± 0.001
C16:0 4.94 e ± 0.03 5.93 f,e’ ± 0.03 5.26 f,f’ ± 0.05 5.1 E ± 0.03 4.86 F ± 0.02
C17:0 0.03 c,e ± 0.002 0.04 d ± 0.002 0.04 f ± 0.03 0.03 ± 0.004 0.03 ± 0.003
C18:0 2.10 e ± 0.03 2.41 f,e’ ± 0.03 4.03 f,f’ ± 0.04 2.20 E ± 0.02 2.04 F ± 0.12
C20:0 1.01 e ± 0.01 0.68 f,e’ ± 0.01 0.12 f,f’ ± 0.01 1.02 ± 0.02 1.00 ± 0.01
C22:0 0.19 f ± 0.003 0.25 f,e’ ± 0.03 0.09 f.f’ ± 0.01 0.20 C ± 0.01 0.18 D ± 0.004
C24:0 0.10 e ± 0.004 0.10 e ± 0.004 0.06 f ± 0.01 0.12 C ± 0.01 0.10 D ± 0.004
SFA 8.41 e ± 0.050 9.45 f ± 0.06 9.64 f ± 0.09 8.72 E ± 0.04 8.25 F ± 0.03

The differences between the means of crop species and between camelina cultivars in the rows with different superscripts differ at a,b p < 0.05; c,d and C,D p < 0.01; e,f;e’,f’ and E,F p < 0.001. SFA = sum of all identified saturated fatty acids.