Plot of the deformation densities Δρ of the most important
pairwise orbital interactions in the neutral carbonyl complexes M(CO)n using neutral fragments M and (CO)n in the electronic singlet state for (a,b) Ni(CO)4; (c–e) Fe(CO)5; (f,g) Cr(CO)6; (h,i) Ti(CO)8. Plot of the deformation densities Δρ
of Ca(CO)8 using (j,k) neutral fragments Ca in the triplet
state and (CO)8 in the singlet state and (m,n) charged
fragments Ca+ and [(CO)8]− in the electronic doublet states. In the case of degenerate orbitals,
the deformation densities indicate the sum of the charge shifts. The
color code of the charge flow is red → blue. The eigenvalues
|νx| give the size of the charge
flow. aUsing neutral Ca in the triplet
state and (CO)8 in the singlet state as interacting fragments. bUsing the charged species Ca+ and
(CO)8– in the doublet states as interacting