The PROTAC-FCPF degrades
dCas9FCPF, Cas12FCPF, and Cas13FCPF. The PROTAC-FCPF induces dCas9FCPF, Cas12FCPF, and Cas13FCPFdegradation. (A)
PROTAC-FCPF degrades dCas9FCPF. HeLa cells expressing dCas9FCPF were treated with increasing concentrations of PROTAC-FCPF
for 8 h. (B, C) PROTAC-FCPF degrades Cas12FCPF and Cas13FCPF in (B) concentration-dependent and (C) time-dependent
manners. Cells expressing HA-Cas12aFCPF or HA-Cas13FCPF were treated with the PROTAC-FCPF as indicated. Immunoblotting
was performed. We used HA antibodies to detect HA-tag proteins. We
used ACTIN as a loading control. The densitometric analysis of proteins
obtained from at least three independent experiments can be found
in the Supporting Information (Figure S4), with one of the original pictures as an example.