Photocatalytic labeling
of the mitochondrial proteome by AzPh-biotin
probe 1 in MCF-7 cells. (a) Photocatalytic mitochondrial
proteome labeling scheme and confocal fluorescence microscopy analysis
of AzPh-biotin probe 1 with Rh 123 in MCF-7 cells. The
green dots represent the organic dye Rh 123, and the red circles represent
the mitochondrial proteome labeled in the proximity of Rh 123. Cells
were irradiated by the green LED with Rh 123 at 37 °C for 1 h
(515 nm, 2.9 mW/cm2). TMRE (green) stains the mitochondria,
and Cy5-streptavidin (red) detects the biotinylated proteins. The
merged image shows good colocalization (R = 0.87,
colocalization was quantified using Pearson’s R-value calculated with Coloc 2 in ImageJ). Scale bar: 20 μm.
Rh 123 (20 μM), AzPh-biotin probe 1 (200 μM).
(b) Proteome labeling in MCF-7 cells with AzPh-biotin probe 1 by green LED irradiation with Rh 123 for 1 h (515 nm, 2.9
mW/cm2) or UV light irradiation for 20 min (365 nm, 11.8
mW/cm2) at 37 °C. (c) MTT cell viability assay for
the cytotoxicity of Rh 123 labeling using AzPh-biotin probe 1 under green LED irradiation at 37 °C for 1 h (515 nm,
2.9 mW/cm2). The statistical significance of the differences
between groups was evaluated with the unpaired Student’s t test. A p-value of 0.05 and below was
considered significant: p < 0.01 (**), p < 0.001 (***), N.S. is not statistically significant.
All p-values were calculated with control cells that
treated without light and small molecules. Error bars represent mean
± SD (n = 3). (d) Counts of the photocatalytic
labeled MCF-7 mitochondrial proteins by the LC-MS/MS analysis with
Rh 123 and the AzPh-biotin probe 1. The annotations were
performed by the DAVID (167/333, 50.2%, DAVID) or by the combined
databases including DAVID, Uniprot, and MitoCarta 2.0 (201/333, 60.4%,