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. 2021 Aug 16;12(3):48. doi: 10.3390/jfb12030048

Table 1.

Overview of the Included Studies.

Study Funding n Specimen Origin Exclusion CRITERIA WSLs Preparation (pH for hours) Outcome Reported
Pancu et al. 2011 (Romania) [42] NR 10 Human (bicusps or molars) NR pH: 4.4 for 120 h Microhardness
(Vicker hardness- special device for microhardness testing with a squared diamond head)
Meyer-Lueckel et al. 2011 (Germany) [59] DFG: PA 1508/1-1. HML and SP and royalties from DMG, Hamburg 20 Human
(molars and premolars)
Active non-cavitated proximal WSL (ICDAS code 2) Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM)
Paris et al. 2011 B (Germany) [62] Institute for Immunology, UK-SH, Christian-Albrechts Universitat zu Kiel for providing the CLSM. The Charité—Universitatmedizin Berlin holds US and European patents 19 Human
(molars and premolars)
Active non-cavitated proximal lesions scored as ICDAS 2 Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(confocal laser scanning microscope)
Paris et al. 2011 A (Germeny) [64] DFG: PA 1508/1-2, as part partially by DMG. 16 Human
Cavitated lesions Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(Confocal laser scanning microscopy CLSM)
Taher et al. 2012 (Saudi Arabia) [47] No 10 Human
Cracks, restorations, or developmental lesions Without demineralization Roughness; Microhardness
(microscope with 200 magnification and application of applying a load of 300 g; profilometer)
Torres et al. 2012 (Brazil) [48] NR 15 Bovine
Damaged or not intact enamel pH: 5 for 16 h Microhardness
(microhardness tester fitted with a 50-g load)
Attin et al. 2012 (Switzerland) [32] Dentaurum, 3M ESPE, and DMG 12 Bovine
NR pH: NR for 504 h Shear Bond Strength
(universal testing machine)
Veli et al. 2014 (Turkey) [72] No 20 Human
Caries, hypoplastic areas, restorations, and surface abnormalities pH: 4.8 for 504 h Shear Bond Strength
(universal testing machine)
Ekizer et al. 2012 (Turkey) [70] No 20 Human
Hypoplastic spots, cracks, or gross irregularities pH: 4.3 for 6 h Shear Bond Strength
(universal testing machine)
Paris et al. 2013 (Germany)
DFG: PA1508/1-2. HML and SP and royalties from DMG, Hamburg. 12 Bovine
NR pH: 4.95 for 1200 h Microhardness
(Vickers hardness with a force (F) of 0.981 N for 10 s)
Paris et al. 2013 (Germany)
DFG: PA 1508/1-1 15 Human
(molars and premolars)
Cavitated caries Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(confocal laser scanning)
Mohammed et al. 2014 (Iraq) [76] NR 56 Human
NR pH: 4.5 for 120 h Roughness
Paris et al. 2014 (Germany) [63] DFG: PA 1508/1-3 9 Human
(molars and premolars)
ICDAS codes 0, 1, 2 Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(dual fluorescence confocal microscopy)
Lausch et al. 2014 (Germany) [57] The Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin and DMG 17 Human
(molars and premolars)
Without active or cavitated WSL Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(confocal laser scanning)
Gelani et al. 2014 (USA) [56] No 42 Bovine
WSP, cracks, or any other defect pH:5 for 24 h Penetration Depth
(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Transverse Microradiography)
Dilber et al. 2014 (Turkey) [69] NR 15 Human
(mandibular lateral teeth)
Hypoplastic areas, cracks, or gross irregularities in enamel ph:4.3 for 6 h Shear Bond Strength
(Universal testing machine)
Montasser et al. 2015 (Egypt) [41] No 10 Human
NR pH: 4.4 for 504 h Microhardness
(Vickers diamond indenter load of 200 g)
Arslan et al. 2015 (Turkey) [31] NR 15 Human
(central incisors)
NR pH: 4.5 for 6 h Roughness; Microhardness
(profilometer; Vickers hardness tester with 2 N load)
Min et al. 2015 (South Korea) [60] Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (2013R1A1A2062505) 20 Bovine
(permanent anterior teeth)
NR pH:4.8 for 960 h Penetration Depth
(Optical coherence tomography Confocal laser scanning microscopy))
Vianna et al. 2015 (Brazil) [73] No 15 Bovine
NR pH:5 for 56 h Shear Bond Strength
(universal testing machine)
Gurdogan et al. 2016 (Turkey) [38] No 20 Bovine
NR pH: 4 for 2 h Microhardness
(Vickers Hardness tester with 100 gr force)
Abdel-Hakim et al. 2016 (Egypt) [28] NR 6 Human
Caries, hypocalcifications, or restorations pH: 4.4 for 480 h Microhardness
(Vickers michrohardness testing with 200 gm load)
El-zankalouny et al. 2016 (Egypt) [46] No 7 Human
Cracks, caries, or restorations pH: 4.4 for 96 h Microhardness; Penetration Depth
(Vickers tester with f 50 g; stereomicroscope)
Abdellatif et al. 2016 (Egypt) [29] NR 11 Human
(anterior teeth)
NR pH: 4.8 for 720 h Microhardness
(Vicker’s microhardness test with load of 200 g)
Baka et al. 2016 (Turkey) [52] NR 20 Human
Hypoplastic areas, cracks, restorations, or gross irregularities pH: 4.8 for 504 h Roughness; Shear Bond Strengths
(profilometer; a universal testing machine)
Neto et al. 2016 (Brazil) [30] CAPES, Funcap, and CNPq (Brazilian agencies).
Project PON 254/Ric
10 Human
NR pH: 4.9 for 16 h Microhardness
(Knoop microhardness)
Horuztepe et al. 2017 (Turkey) [39] No 45 Bovine
Cracks or other surface defects pH: 4.95 for 672 h Microhardness
(microindentation hardness tester with a 50-g load)
Mandava et al. 2017 (India) [40] No 20 Human
(maxillary central incisors)
Presence of cracks and defects pH: 4.4 for 96 h Microhardness; Penetration Depth
(Vicker’s microhardness tester with a 300 g load; confocal laser fluorescence microscope)
Aziznezhad et al. 2017 (Iran) [34] Babol University grant 10 Human
Not intact and time of extraction more than 3 months pH: 4.5 for 6 h Microhardness
(Vickers device with 500 g load)
Prajapati et al. 2017 (India) [44] No 10 Human
Teeth with hypoplasia or incipient carious lesions/WSL pH:4.4 for 504 h Microhardness
(Vickers microhardness tester with 100 g load)
Sava-Rosianu et al. 2017 (Romania) [65] Project for young researchers—Programme II-C3-TC-2015 60 Human
NR NR Penetration Depth
(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy)
Attia et al. 2018 (Egypt) [77] NR 20 Bovine
Cracks or defects in the surface pH:5 for 24 h Microhardness
(micro-indentation hardness tester (with a 50-g load)
Nabil et al. 2018 (Egypt) [27] NR 15 Human
(anterior teeth)
Cracks and any developmental defects pH: NR for 1 h Roughness; Microhardness
(profilometer; Vickers Tester with load of 200 g)
Enan et al. 2018 (Egypt) [37] NR 10 Human
Cracks and defects pH: 4.95 for 160 h Roughness; Microhardness
(profilometer; universal testing machine)
Khalid et al. 2018 (Indonesia) [54] University of Indonesia 10 Human
Enamel surface that was attached orthodontic appliance; WSL, defects on the buccal side of enamel; restorations Without demineralization Roughness
Yazkan et al. 2018 (Turkey) [49] Suleyman Demirel University Scientific Research Projects Foundation (2969-D-11) 16 Bovine
Caries, fracture, or other defects pH: 5 for 240 h Roughness; Microhardness
(profilometer; Vickers indenter, with load of 200 g)
Askar et al. 2018 (Germany) [55] Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; PA 1508/1-3), and DMG 15 Human
Active proximal lesions with ICDAS-2, 3 and 5 Without demineralization Penetration Depth
(confocal microscopy)
Aswani et al. 2019 (India) [51] No 10 Human
(anterior teeth)
NR pH:4.4 for 144 h Roughness
Enan et al. 2019 (Egypt) [53] No 30 Human
NR pH:4.95 for 160 h Roughness
Arora et al. 2019 (India) [50] No 30 Bovine
Caries pH: 4.5 for 96 h Roughness; Penetration Depth
(optical profilometer)
Theodory et al. 2019 (USA) [66] Student Government for Graduate and Professional Students at the University of Iowa 15 Human
NR pH: 4.3 for 2160 h Penetration Depth
(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy)
López et al. 2019 (Brazil) [59] NR 8 Human
Cavity lesions, white stains, cracks, or structural alterations and restorations pH: 5 for 0.5 h Penetration Depth
(Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy)
Gulec et al. 2019 (Turkey) [71] NR 20 Human
Caries, attrition, fracture, restoration, congenital or surface anomalies, or surface pH: 4.5 for 22 h Shear Bond Strength
(universal testing machine)
Borges et al. 2019 (Brazil) [68] FAPESP(2010/16878-7, 2010/17757-9) 30 Bovine
NR pH:5 for 16 h Shear Bond Strength
(Scanning electron microscopy (SEM))
Ayad et al. 2020 (Egypt) [33] NR 7 Bovine
NR pH: 4.4 for 96 h Microhardness
(Vickers indenter, with a static load of 200 g)
Behrouzi P et al. 2020 (Iran) [35] No 15 Human
(maxillary central incisors)
Cracks, caries, or mineralization defects pH: 4.5 for 96 h Microhardness
(Vickers hardness tester with 50 kg load)
El Meligy, 2020 (Saudi Arabia) [36] No 27 Human
ICDAS 1 and 2 pH: 4.5 for 399 h Microhardness
(transversal Vickers hardness with a force of 0.891 N)
Wang et al. 2020 (Brazil) [67] FAPESP, 2012/13160-3, #2012/18579-2 and 2013/23310-5) CAPES—Brasil 13 Bovine
NR pH: 4.7 for 168 h Penetration Depth
(confocal laser scanning microscopy)

CAPES—Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior; CLSM—Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope; CNPq-Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; DFG—Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; FAPESP—Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo; FUNCAP—Fundação Cearense de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico; H—Hours; HML—Hendrik Meyer-Lueckel; ICDAS—International Caries Detection and Assessment System; NR—Not reported; WSL—white spots lesions; S.P—Sebastian Paris.