Figure 5. pUG RNA/siRNA cycles drive heritable gene silencing.
a,oma-1 pUG PCR performed on total RNA from descendants of oma-1 dsRNA-treated animals. b, rde-1(ne219); gfp::h2b animals were injected with gfp pUG RNA, and gfp expression was monitored for six generations. n=3 (no injection), 9 (gfp pUG RNA). Error bars: s.d. of the mean. c, oma-1 pUG PCR performed on total RNA from oma-1 dsRNA-treated (P0) animals of indicated genotypes and their progeny (F1). Note: pUG RNAs appear longer in MAGO12 animals (Extended Data Fig. 10). d, pUG RNAs were Sanger sequenced from F2 progeny of rde-1(ne219); oma-1(zu405ts) animals injected with oma-1(SNP) pUG RNA. e, oma-1(zu405ts) hermaphrodites were fed oma-1 dsRNA and crossed to rde-3(ne298); oma-1(zu405ts) males (3 biologically independent crosses). oma-1 pUG PCR was performed on total RNA from rde-3(+) or rde-3(ne298) F3 progeny. a, c, d, e. Data is representative of 3 biologically independent experiments.