Figure 2.
Western blotting differences in muscle-specific factors with age. (A,B) Pax7 does not change with age, suggesting that the satellite pool is unchanged at 20 months, while MyoD remains undetected (n.d. indicates not detected) until 20 months, indicating homeostatic compensation of the muscle. (C) Myogenin is marginally reduced at 20 months. (D) Curiously, RAGE (receptor for advanced glycation end products) decreased from 2 to 20 months. (E) M-cadherin is decreased in old age. (F) Integrin α7 is increased at 20 months, which might be a compensatory response by the muscle. (G) Myosin Heavy Chain is unchanged in old age compared to 2 months, indicating that muscle aging does not affect contractile units at 20 months. (H) There is no difference in the Fast-Twitch Myosin Heavy Chain, further indicating that 20 months is not old enough to see sarcopenic effects. The red bands are GAPDH. Groups that do not share a letter (e.g., A or B) are statistically different according to a one-way ANOVA followed by a two-tailed Tukey’s correction (p < 0.05, n = 6).