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. 2021 Aug 20;22(16):8971. doi: 10.3390/ijms22168971

Table 1.

Association of adiponectin and asthma in epidemiological studies.

Study Type Study Population Directionality of Asthma—ADPN Relation Main Results
Baltieri, L. et al., 2018 [106] Longitudinal 80 bariatric surgery patients with asthma ↑ ADPN parallel to clinical status
Association with clinical status and indirect relation with weight loss
↑ ADPN in parallel with weight loss and clinical status improvement
No lung function improvement after 1 year of follow-up.
van Huisstede, A. et al., 2015 [107] Longitudinal 27 bariatric surgery patients with asthma (BS + A) compared with 12 obese with asthma without bariatric intervention (NBS + A) In relation
with weight loss
↑ ADPN in BS + A and did not change in NBS + A after 1 year of follow-up
Sideleva, O. et al., 2012 [108] Longitudinal 11 obese women with asthma and 15 obese women without asthma bariatric intervention No association with weight loss At baseline:
APDN in visceral fat significantly lower in asthma
After 12 months:
(a) no modification in ADPN expression in SAT
(b) no modification of AdipoR1, AdipoR2 and T-cadherin expression in bronchial epithelial cells
(c) no significant difference in BAL ADPN
(d) BAL ADPN not correlated with VAT ADPN
Leão da Silva, P. et al., 2012 [109] Longitudinal 84 asthmatic adolescents, follow-up 1 year after a weight loss intervention ↑ ADPN parallel to clinical status
Association with clinical status
↑ ADPN and ADPN/leptin (A/L) ratio and improved asthma symptoms after moderate (8–14 kg) and massive (>14 kg) weight loss
Abd El-Kader, M.S., 2013 [110] Longitudinal 80 obese asthmatic children Indirect relation with weight loss ↑ ADPN in serum after weight loss in obese asthma (8 weeks of follow-up)
Tsaroucha, A. 2013 [111] Longitudinal 32 stable adult asthmatics, 37 asthmatics during exacerbation, 22 controls Indirect relation with severity and exacerbations ↓ ADPN in severe asthma
↓ ADPN during exacerbations
Mikalsen, I.B. et al., 2020 [112] Cross-sectional 384 adolescents with atopy No association with sensitization or lung function No association between ADPN and lung function and atopic sensitization
Huang, F. et al., 2017 [113] Cross-sectional 28 obese adolescents with asthma, 46 obese adolescents without asthma, 58 normal-weight adolescents with asthma and 63 healthy controls Lower levels in obesity but no relation with lung function in asthmatics ↓ HMW ADPN in obese subjects than the normal-weight subjects with or without asthma
HMW ADPN not correlated with ↓ FEV1/FVC ratio
Grotta, M.B. et al., 2013 [114] Cross-sectional 16 asthmatic obese, 16 asthmatic non-obese, 5 non-asthmatic obese, 5 non-asthmatic non-obese No differences in asthma and in obesity Levels of ADPN did not significantly differ among these groups
Song, W.J. et al., 2012 [115] Cross-sectional 994 participants from the general population, age ≥65 y No association with asthma No association between asthma and serum ADPN levels
Barton, J.H. et al, 2016 [97] Cross-sectional HIV patients, 33 with asthma and 23 with COPD Lower level in asthma compared to COPD ↓ ADPN in asthma vs. COPD
Lu, Y. et al., 2016 [98] Case–control 79 asthma versus 69 controls Lower ADPN in asthma ↓ ADPN in asthma
No direct interaction with BMI was checked, but the group with asthma had higher BMI
Capelo, A.V. et al., 2006 [99] Cross-sectional 83 asthma patients, women Indirect relation with BMI in asthmatics ADPN serum level inversely associated with BMI and SAT
Magrone, T. et al., 2014 [100] Cross-sectional 80 children: 17 non-asthmatics and non-obese, 19 obese, 28 obese asthmatics and 16 non-obese asthmatics Lower ADPN in obese asthmatics ↓ ADPN in serum in asthmatic obese compared to non-obese asthmatics and controls
Aydin, M. et al., 2013 [101] Case–control 45 asthmatic vs. 30 healthy controls Lower ADPN in asthma ↓ ADPN levels lower in asthma patients compared to controls
Jensen, M.E. et al., 2013 [102] Case–control 361 particpants: 74 obese asthma, 249 non-obese asthma, 9 obese control, 29 non-obese control children Lower ADPN in obese asthmatics ↓ ADPN in obese asthma versus non-obese controls
No difference in ADPN
between obese and non-obese asthma
Carpio, C. et al., 2016 [103] Case–control 25 asthma, 23 dyspnea perceived by patients as asthma (misdiagnosed), 27 controls No significant relation Higher (but not significantly) ADPN in asthma compared to control and misdiagnosed (self-reported) asthma
Ozde, C. et al., 2015 [104] Case–control 68 non-obese asthma children and 39 controls Higher ADPN in asthmatics ↑ ADPN in asthma compared to controls, associated with higher epicardial adipose tissue
Lu, Y. et al., 2015 [105] Case–control 70 asthmatics and 69 controls Higher ADPN in asthmatics ↑ ADPN in asthma (both obese and non-obese groups comparison)
A positive association with asthma prevalence was observed for medium and high tertiles of ADPN
Matsumoto, Y. et al., 2013 [116] Cross-sectional 79 young adults (14 asthmatics/62 non-asthmatics), non-smokers Lower HM W and LM W ADPN in asthmatics ↓ MM W and LM W ADPN in asthmatics
Differences in HM W ADPN were not significant
Multivariate regression analysis of the MM W and LM W ADPN levels, asthma was found to be more significantly associated with the LM W ADPN level than age, waist circumference or HDL-C
Hayashikawa, Y. et al., 2015 [117] Case–control 61 asthmatics versus 175 controls Higher LM W ADPN and lower MM W in asthmatics Significantly ↑ LM W ADPN level and significantly ↓ MM W /total ADPN in asthmatics vs. controls after adjustments for confounding factors in both sexes
Ma, C. et al., 2019 [118] Cross-sectional 122 children with asthma Lower ADPN in severe asthma ↓ ADPN in severe asthma
Asthma severity was positively correlated with BMI
Ceylan, E. et al., 2019 [119] Case–control 120 asthmatic patients (47 with comorbidities and 73 without comorbidities) + 35 healthy controls No association No difference in ADPN in asthmatic and controls
No difference in ADPN in asthmatics with or without comorbidities
Kalmarzi, R. et al., 2017 [120] Cross-sectional 90 asthmatic women Leptin/ADPN levels correlated positively with asthma severity (a) No correlation between ADPN level with asthma severity and BMI
(b) Serum leptin and leptin/ADPN levels correlated positively with asthma severity and BMI and correlated inversly with FEV1 and FVC
Zhang, X. et al., 2018 [121] Cross-sectional 108 asthmatic patients No relation with obesity and asthma control No relation between ADPN, obesity and asthma control
Ballantyne, D. et al., 2016 [122] Case–control 96 asthmatics and 46 controls High resistin:ADPN ratio associated with severity ↑ Resistin:ADPN ratio in asthma and in severe vs. mild-to-moderate asthma
Ding, Y. et al., 2015 [123] Case–control 120 asthmatics and 120 controls, adults Low ADPN during exacerbations ↓ ADPN in acute exacerbation
A positive association between the rs1501299 SNP of the ADIPOQ gene and acute exacerbation
de Lima Azambuja, R. et al., 2015 [124] Cross-sectional 75 asthmatic patients (25 in each BMI category) Lower ADPN with increased BMI in asthmatics
Indirect association of ADPN and lung function
↓ ADPN serum level with increase in BMI
Higher ADPN levels associated with lower FEV1 and FVC
Dogru, M. et al., 2015 [125] Cross sectional 82 non-obese asthmatic children and 28 controls Lower ADPN in uncontrolled asthma ADPN levels in non-obese asthmatics were not different from controls
↓ ADPN associated with uncontrolled asthma
Newson, R.B. et al., 2014 [126] Cross-sectional 1370 patients: 532 with asthma only, 522 with chronic rhinosinusitis only, 316 with asthma and chronic sinusitis and 585 controls Leptin/ADPN ratio positively associated with the severity of asthma Leptin/ADPN ratio positively associated with the severity of asthma, especially in females
Biagioni, B.J. et al., 2014 [127] Cross-sectional 19 asthmatic patients Increase in sputum ADPN after specific inhalation challenge with plicatic acid ↑ sputum ADPN after plicatic acid challenge, particularly in non-obese
Sood, A. et al., 2014 [128] Case–control 44 asthmatics and 44 controls Inverse relation of sputum ADPN with asthma (a) Sputum total ADPN was not correlated with serum ADPN or BMI
(b) ↓ Sputum total ADPN among asthmatics than controls
(c) ↑ Sputum total ADPN associated with ↓ odds for asthma, even after adjustment for systemic adiposity measures including serum ADPN
Dorevitch, S. et al., 2013 [129] Cross-sectional 350 non-smoking adults and children Direct relation with the total antioxidant capacity in exhaled breath ADPN associated with total antioxidant capacity in exhaled breath

ADPN = adiponectin; BS + A = bariatric surgery patients with asthma; NBS + A = non-bariatric surgery patients with asthma; BAL = broncho-alveolar lavage; VAT = visceral adipose tissue; SAT = subcutaneous adipose tissue; LMW ADPN = low molecular weight adiponectin; HMW adiponectin = high molecular weight adiponectin; MMW ADPN = medium molecular weight adiponectin; HDL-C = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; FEV1 = forced expiratory volume in the first second; FVC = forced vital capacity; BMI = body mass index. ↑= increase level; ↓= decrease level.