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. 2021 Aug 20;22(16):8974. doi: 10.3390/ijms22168974

Figure 2.

Figure 2

Control of glucose and lipid metabolism by PPAR in brown or beige/brite adipose tissue. Enzymes in red are activated by PPAR. The enzyme in blue remains unchanged. Abbreviations: VLDL, very-low-density lipoprotein; LPL, lipoprotein lipase; FFAs, free fatty acids; CD36, differentiation cluster 36; GPA, glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; DGAT, diacylglycerol acyltransferase; GLUT, glucose transporters; GK, glycerokinase; LD, lipid droplet; ATGL, adipose triglyceride lipase; ABDH5, abhydrolase domain containing 5; UCP1, uncoupling protein 1. Figure was created using SMART–Servier Medical Art (, the last accessed date is 29 July 2021).