Table A1.
Database | Search Terms |
PubMed | (“propriocept*”[All Fields] OR “Proprioception”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“total knee arthroplasty”[All Fields] OR “TKA”[All Fields] OR “TKR”[All Fields] OR “total knee replacement*”[All Fields] OR “arthroplasty, replacement, knee”[MeSH Terms]) AND (“PCL”[All Fields] OR “Posterior Cruciate Ligament”[All Fields] OR “Posterior Cruciate Ligament”[MeSH Terms]) |
Cochrane | (Propriocept*) AND (“total knee arthroplasty” OR TKA OR TKR OR “total knee replacement*”) AND (PCL OR “posterior cruciate ligament”) |
Scopus | ALL(propriocept*) AND (“total knee arthroplasty” OR tka OR tkr OR “total knee replacement*”) AND (pcl OR “posterior cruciate ligament”) |
WOS | ALL = (Propriocept*) AND ALL = (“total knee arthroplasty” OR TKA OR TKR OR “total knee replacement*”) AND ALL = (PCL OR “posterior cruciate ligament”) |
PEDro 1 | (Propriocept*) AND (“total knee arthroplasty”)(Propriocept*) AND (“total knee replacement”) |
1 The research on PEDro was conducted separately with the two strings and then the results were merged. The asterisk (*) is the truncation symbol used at the end of a word to search for all terms that begin with that basic word root.