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. 2021 Aug 5;8(8):94. doi: 10.3390/jcdd8080094

Table 1.

Characteristics of the studies included.

Study Participants (Sample Size, Age (Year), and Gender) HRV Protocol (Method, Respiration, Position, and Sampling Frequency) HRV Measures Secondary Outcomes Analysis Length Intervention (Type, Duration, and Sessions/Week) Control Group
[3] 90 (E: 26; R: 26; ER: 21; CG: 17)
Age: 49−52 ± 6-8 (E: 52 ± 7; S: 52 ± 8; ES: 49 ± 6; CG: 52 ± 8)
100% women
Polar RS810i belt Spontaneous
n. r.
CI, HF, LF, LF/HF, RHR, and SDNN Approx. 600 beats Endurance, strength, and combined endurance and strength
21 weeks
E and R: 2, ER: 4 sessions
[55] 93 (E: 23; R: 25; ER: 29; CG: 16)
Age: 55.6 ± 7.4
100% men
Polar RS810i belt
1.000 Hz
ln HF, ln LF, RHR, and α1 VO2 max 5 min Endurance, strength, and combined endurance and strength
21 weeks
E and R: 2, ER: 4 sessions
[56] 44 (TG 22; CG 22)
Age: 58.48 ± 0.53 (EG: 57.86 ± 0.64; CG: 59.10 ± 0.83)
100% women
3-lead ECG
n. r.
n. r.
500 Hz
CV, HF nu, LF nu, LF/HF, mRR, NN20, NN50, pNN20, pNN50, RHR, RMSSD, SDNN, SDSD, TP, and VLF BF, BMI, BM, and VO2 max 5 min Coordinative (step aerobics)
10 weeks
3 sessions
[57] 39 (TG: 19; CG: 20)
Age: TG: 50 ± 4.5; CG: 58.45 ± 4.8
100% women
Polar RS800 belt
DFA total, RRTri, SD1, SD2, SD1/SD2, TINN, α1, α2, and α1/α2 1000 consecutive beats Multimodal (functional training and walking)
16 weeks
3 sessions
[58] 36
Age: 59 (range: 55–71)
19 women, 17 men
3-lead ECG
HF%, LF%, ln LF/HF, RHR, and TP HRR, SBP at rest and during ergometer test 512 consecutive beats Endurance (walking, jogging, running, cycling, and stepping); crossover design: 10 weeks LI or HI + 10 weeks sedentary + 10 weeks HI or LI
10 weeks
3 sessions
crossover design
[59] 12
Age: 59 ± 5
5 women, 7 men
15 breaths/min
mRR, RHR, and RSA BM, BMI, BR, DBP, SBP, VO2 max, and WR 5 min Endurance (treadmill, elliptical trainer, or bicycle)
24 weeks
4 sessions
[60] 44
Age: 47.3 ± 5.4
100% women
Varia Cardio TF4, ECG belt
HF, HF%, LF, LF/HF, LF%, MSSD, RHR, TP, VLF, VLF%, VLF/HF, and VLF/LF BM, BMI, and VO2 max 5 min Coordinative (aerobic dance or step-dance)
24 weeks
3 sessions
[61] 23
Age: 59 ± 6
100% women
12 breaths/min
1.000 Hz
HF nu, LF nu, LF/HF, ln HF, ln LF, ln TP, RHR, and SampEn BP 5 min Resistance
12 weeks
2 sessions

Abbreviations: BM, body mass; BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; BR, baroreflex sensitivity; CG, control group; CI, complexity index; CV, coefficient of variation; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; DFA, detrended fluctuation analysis; E, endurance training group; ECG, electrocardiography; ER, endurance and resistance training group; HF (nu), power in high frequency range (in normalized units); HF%, relative power in high frequency range; HI, high intensity training; LF (nu), power in low frequency range (in normalized units); HRR, heart rate recovery; LF%, relative power in low frequency range; LI, low intensity training; ln, natural logarithm; mRR, mean RR interval; MSSD, mean squared successive differences; NN20, number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 20 ms in the entire recording; NN50, number of pairs of adjacent NN intervals differing by more than 50 ms in the entire recording; n.r., not reported; pNN20, NN20 count divided by the total number of all NN intervals; pNN50, NN50 count divided by the total number of all NN intervals; R, resistance training group; RHR, resting heart rate; RMSSD, square root of the mean of the sum of the squares of differences between adjacent NN intervals; RRTri, triangular index; RSA, respiratory sinus arrhythmia; SampEn, sample entropy; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SD1, standard deviation of instantaneous beat-to-beat variability extracted from Poincaré Plot; SD2, standard deviation of the long-term variability extracted from Poincaré Plot; SDNN, standard deviation of NN intervals; SDSD, standard deviation of standard deviation; TG, training group; TINN, triangular interpolation of RR intervals; TP, total power; VLF, power in very low frequency range; VLF%, power in very low frequency range; VO2 max, maximum oxygen consumption; VO2 peak, peak oxygen consumption; WR, waist-to hip-ratio; α1, short-term component of detrended fluctuation analysis; and α2, long-term component of detrended fluctuation analysis.