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. 2021 Aug 7;10(16):3492. doi: 10.3390/jcm10163492

Table 1.

Changes in arterial stiffness and pulse wave velocity as a result of acute resistance training bout.

Authors Subjects PWV
Acute Resistance Training Bout and Duration Results
High Intensity RT Bout (>80% 1RM)
Barnes et al. (2010) [34] N = 27 men, healthy, young cfPWV Eccentric RT bout:
1. Leg press (bilateral): 6 sets of 10 repetitions at 110%
2. Elbow flexion (unilateral): 2 sets of 20 unilateral eccentric elbow flexion contractions
48 h after leg RT (p < 0.05) and arm RT ↑cfPWV (p < 0.05).
Lefferts et al. (2015) [40] N = 20, healthy, recreationally active cfPWV 5 sets, 5 repetition of maximum bench press; 5 sets of 10 repetition maximum biceps curls An acute high intensity RT had ↑AS and ↑extracranial pressure pulsatility.
Moderate Intensity RT_Bout (60–80% 1RM)
DeVan et al. (2005) [33] N = 16, mix, healthy, young Beta stiffness index 9 full body exercises, 75% 1RM RT bout immediately and 30 min after had ↓carotid arterial compliance and ↑stiffness index. These values returned to baseline by 60 min.
Yoon et al. (2010) [35] N = 13 healthy men cfPWV 8 full body exercises, 60% 1RM An acute RT bout had ↑AS. These values returned to baseline by 20 min.
Nitzsche et al. (2016) [39] N = 41, mix healthy, physically active cfPWV RT bout:
Group 70% 1RM
An acute moderate RT bout had ↓AS and ↓central and systolic BP.
Kingsley et al. (2017) [38] N = 13, mix, healthy, recreationally resistance trained cfPWV Free-weight RT:
75% 1RM, 3 sets, 10 repetitions
An acute RT bout had ↑augmentation index and ↑AS without significantly altering aortic BP.
Tomschi et al. (2018) [36] N = 20 healthy women cfPWV A. Upper body
B. Lower body
12 repetitions with 70% 1RM
The adaptation pattern of the measured PWV as a measure of AS parameters in upper body RT bout compared to lower body RT bout is similar, and all parameters regulate to their baseline values within 60 min.
Parks et al. (2020) [42] N = 32, young, healthy individuals cfPWV Free-weight RT bout VS weight machines RT bout:
3 sets of 10 repetitions at 75% 1RM
An acute free-weight and weight-machine RT bout are associated with transient ↑pulse wave reflection and ↑AS.
Rodríguez-Perez et al. (2020) [41] N = 32, physically active, normotensive, and experienced with
cfPWV 3 sets at 75% 1RM, bench press and squat
Group 1: high-effort
Group 2: low-effort
Both training groups immediately after acute RT bout reported ↑AS and ↑BP while BP and AS returned to baseline levels 5 min and 24 h after completing the RT bout.
Low Intensity RT Bout (<60% 1RM)
Okamoto et al. (2014) [37] N = 10, mix, healthy Beta stiffness index bench press, 40% of 1RM, 3 sets Carotid arterial compliance and the β-stiffness index significantly ↑ and ↓, respectively (both p < 0.05), at 30 and 60 min after the acute low intensity RT bout.
Nitzsche et al. (2016) [39] N = 41, mix healthy, physically active cfPWV Squats, bench press, rowing with the barbell, biceps curl with the SZ curl bar, lying triceps extensions with the SZ curl bar
1. Group—3 sets at 30% 1RM, 30 repetitions
2. Group—3 sets at 50% 1RM, 20 repetitions
3. Group—4 sets, 70% 1RM, 10 repetitions
An acute moderate RT bout had ↑AS and ↓central systolic BP.

AS arterial stiffness, BP blood pressure, cfPWV carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity, PWV pulse wave velocity, RM repetition maximum, RT resistance training.