Figure 2.
(a) Q-band TR-EPR spectrum of a D+-χ-A–-Q system (sketched on top) with the
chiral axis aligned parallel
to the external field (integrated from 100 to 300 ns) and for different
initial states of the radical pair (with the qubit always in |↓⟩):
singlet (blue line), corresponding to transfer along a linear bridge
without CISS effect; fully polarized state (on both donor and acceptor,
red); unpolarized state |ψU⟩ as suggested
in ref (32), black.
The gray-shaded area represents the signal from the donor–acceptor,
while at larger field the absorption peaks are due to the qubit. (b)
NMR spectrum as a function of frequency, probing nuclear excitations
on a nuclear spin 1/2 (e.g., a 19F, Larmor frequency νL ≈ 40 MHz at 1 T) coupled by hyperfine interaction
to the donor. The different intensity of the two peaks for p = 0 is due to different matrix elements for the two transitions.
Variance from the p = 0 behavior directly measures
the acceptor polarization. Parameters: hν =
34 GHz, JAQz ≈ 200 MHz, rDA = 25 Å, rAQ = 8 Å, = 10 MHz, g1,2 = ge ∓
Δg/2, with Δg = 0.002, gQ = (1.98, 1.98, 1.96), as typical
for VO2+ or Ti3+,42T1 = 2 μs, T2 = 0.5 μs,
and TR = 10 μs. Inhomogeneous broadening
of the parameters is included by a Gaussian broadening of the peaks
with fwhm 2.35 mT. To generalize our analysis, we did not include
parameters of a specific qubit, such as hyperfine interaction.