Figure 5.
A740003 inhibited the upregulation of VEGF and HIF-1α in C57BL/6 mouse retinas injected with ox-LDL. The mRNA levels of VEGF and HIF-1α were detected by qPCR. Compared to the vehicle-treated group, intraperitoneal injection of A740003 significantly inhibited the mRNA levels of VEGF (38.07% ± 0.01256) (a) and HIF-1α (52.81% ± 0.01449) (b) in C57BL/6 mouse retina. Western blot showed that protein levels of VEGF (61.99% ± 0.01765) (c, d) and HIF-1α (59.28% ± 0.02902) (c, e) in C57BL/6 mouse retina were suppressed by A740003 significantly. Symbols: +: with; −: without. The results were mean ± SEM. Significance of difference (∗p < 0.05, ∗∗p < 0.01) was determined by using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction (n = 4-6).