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. 2021 Aug 27;21(9):32. doi: 10.1007/s11892-021-01399-z

Table 1.

Overview of the clinical trials (n=14)

Observational studies
Author, year Aim General characteristics at baseline Diabetes characteristics at baseline Study design Major findings

Wong et al, 2020



To explore the experience of individuals living with diabetes who have followed or follow the KD


8 ♀/6 ♂


BMI 31.5±5.1 kg/m2

T2D (n=11)/T1D (n=3) Retrospective

KD has been followed for 6 to 19 months

Main motivation to start was improve blood glucose control or to reduce/stop taking diabetes medications, weight loss, and diabetes reversal

Benefits such as improved glycemic control, weight loss, and satiety have been reported by participants

The main challenges were the lack of support from health-care providers and information sources

Most participants could continue the KD for the rest of their lives

Webster et al., 2019

South Africa


To describe the foods and characteristics of a LCHF “lifestyle” that was sustainable and effective for certain T2D patients in a real-world setting


14 ♀/14 ♂

BMI 30±6 kg/m2


Median diabetes duration 7.4 years

HbA1c 7.5 (6.5–9.5) %

Prospective duration 15±2 months

Adult who currently followed an LCHF diet for at least 6 months

A majority of participants perceived reduced hunger and cravings

LCHF diets are socially difficult to follow

↘ HbA1c (p<0.01), ↘ diabetes medications

↘ weight (p<0.001)

Lack of support by their doctors which may involve suboptimal medical supervision

Interventional studies
Author, year General characteristics at baseline Diabetes characteristics at baseline Diet(s) Duration of the intervention Major findings

Walton et al., 2019




11 ♀


BMI 36.3±1.4 kg/m2


HbA1c 8.9±0.4%

No medication

VLCKD: CHO ~5% (≤30g/day), ~20–25% of protein, ~70–75% of fat.

Adherence was monitored with weekly plasma ketones tests

3 months

↘HbA1c (p<0.0001)

↘Weight (p<0.0001)

↗ HDL-c (p<0.005), ↘TAG (p<0.005), ↘TAG: HDL-c ratio (p<0.005), ↔ LDL-c ↔ AST, ↔ ALT

Romano et al., 2019




10 ♀/10 ♂

BMI 37.1±6.8 kg/m2


Diabetes duration 5.9±1.7 years

HbA1c 7.3±1.1%

Medication: none (n=8), metformin (n=15), SU (n=5), insulin (10)

VLCKD 5–10% of CHO (≤25g/day), 60–70% protein, 25–30% of fat 2 months

↘ HbA1c (p<0.0001), ↘ HOMA index (p<0.0001)

↘ Weight (p<0.001), ↘ BMI (p<0.001), ↘ WC (p<0.001), ↘ segmental (p<0.001), whole fat mass (p<0.001)

↘ AST (p<0.0001), ↘ ALT (p<0.0001)

Myette-Côté et al., 2018




4 ♀/7 ♂

BMI 34.0±8.0 kg/m2


Diabetes duration 6.4±4.3 years

HbA1c 7.0±1.0%

Medication: metformin (n=5), metformin + SU (n=2), metformin + GLP-1 (n=1), metformin + SU + DPP4 (n=1)

3 energy-matched diets

1. Low-fat low-glycemic index diet ~55% CHO, 25% protein, 20% fat

2. VLCKD <10% CHO, 25% protein, ~65% fat

3. VLCKD + exercise <10% CHO, 25% protein, ~65% fat + 15 min of walking beginning 30 min after each meals

4 days

Compared to baseline:

↘ proinsulin for VLCKD (p = 0.001) and VLCKD + exercise (p=0.005), but not for low-fat low-glycemic index diet

Compared to low-fat low-glycemic index diet

↘ mean glucose in the VLCKD with or without exercise (p≤0.001), ↔ time in hypoglycemia

Barbosa et al., 2018




22 ♀/14 ♂

BMI 35.0±5.0 kg/m2


HbA1c 8.9±0.4 %

Hypocaloric VLCKD: caloric reduction of 1200–1500 kcal/day. 5–10% CHO (≤40g/day), 20–30% protein, 60–70% fat

Hypocaloric low fat (LF) 1000–1200 kcal/day, 50% CHO, 20% protein, <30% fat

3 weeks

Compared to baseline, in the VLCKD group

↘ HbA1c in the VLCKD (p<0.001)

↘ weight (p<0.001), ↘ total body fat (p=0.001), ↘ visceral adipose tissue (p=0.024), ↘ intra hepatic fat (p=0.003)

Compared to baseline, in the LF group

↘ weight (p<0.001), ↘ total body fat (p<0.001), ↘ visceral adipose tissue (p<0.001), ↘ intra hepatic fat (p<0.001)

Compared to baseline, in both group

↘ T-Chol (p≤0.001), ↘ LDL-c (p≤0.004), ↘ TAG in both group (p≤0.042)

Hallberg et al., 2018



n=349 (262 in intervention)

175 ♀/87 ♂

BMI 40.4±8.8 kg/m2

18% African American


Diabetes duration 8.44±7.22%

HbA1c 7.6±1.5

Medication: metformin (n=15), SU (n=62), insulin (10)

Personalized CHO restriction, which provides 0.5–3.0 mmol/l of BHOB level in blood.

Protein 1.5 g/kg of body weight

Fat to satiety

12 months

↘ HbA1c (p<0.0001), ↘ FPG (p<0.0001), ↘ fasting insulin (p<0.0001), ↘ HOMA index (p<0.0001), ↘ diabetes medication, except metformin (↗) and GLP-1 (↔)

↘ weight (p<0.0001)

↘ TAG (p<0.0001), ↗ HDL-c (p<0.0001), ↘ LDL-c (p<0.0001), ↔ ApoB

↘ ALT (p<0.0001), AST (p<0.0001)

Saslow et al., 2017




BMI >25 kg/m2


HbA1c >6.0%

No insulin

≤3 glucose-lowering agents

VLCKD: non-calorie-restricted diet, CHO 20–50 g/day (0.5–3.0 mmol/l of plasma BHOB level)

Medium CHO, low fat: 500 kcal reduced/day, CHO 45–50%, low fat

12 months

Compare to control group, VLCKD

↘ HbA1c (p<0.007), ↔ fasting insulin, ↔ HOMA index

↘ medication (SU and DDP-4 inhibitors, p=0.005, metformin p=0.08)

↘ weight (p<0.001)

↔ TAG, ↔ HDL-c, ↔ LDL-c

Saslow et al., 2017




15 ♀/10 ♂

Different types of ethnic (60% Caucasian)


Mean diabetes duration ≈ 5 years

Mean HbA1c ≈ 7.0%

VLCKD: CHO 20–50 g/day

“Create Your Plate” diet: low-fat diet, lean protein sources (1/4 of plate), and limited starchy (1/4 of plate) and non-starchy vegetables (1/2 plate)

8 months

Compared to the control group, VLCKD

↘ HbA1c (p=0.002)

↘ weight (p<0.001)

↘ TAG (p=0.01), ↔ HDL-c, ↔ LDL-c

Wycherley et al., 2016




49 ♀/66 ♂

BMI 34.6±0.4 kg/m2


HbA1c 7–10%

Both diet was energy reduced

VLCKD (n= 58): CHO 14%, 28% protein, 58% fat

High CHO Diet (n=57): CHO 53%, 17% protein, 30% fat

12 months

In both group; no different effect of diet

↘ HbA1c (p<0.001)

↘ weight (p<0.001)

Goday et al., 2016




58 ♀/31 ♂

BMI 33.1±1.6 kg/m2


HbA1c 6.9±1.1%

No insulin

80% glucose-lowering agents

20% lifestyle

VLCKD (n=45), three stages:

600–800 kcal/day

CHO <50 g, protein 0.8–1.2g/kg of ideal weight, fat (10 g of olive oil/day)

Standard low-calorie diet (n=44)

500–1000 kcal, CHO 45–60%, protein 10–20%, fat <30%

4 months

Compared to baseline, in both group

↘ HOMA index (p≤0.001)

↘ BMI (p<0.0001), ↘ WC (p≤0.048)

↔ T-Chol, ↔ LDL-c, ↔ HDL-c

Compared to baseline, in the VLCKD diet group:

↘ FPG (p<0.0001), ↘ HbA1c (p<0.0001), ↘ medication (p=0.0267)

↘ weight (p<0.0001)

↘ TAG (p<0.004)

Tay et al., 2015




BMI 34.6±4.3 kg/m2


HbA1c 7.3±1.1 %

Duration of diabetes 8±6 years

VLCKD (n= 57): hypocaloric. CHO 14% (50 g/d), protein 28%, fat 58% (10% saturated fat)

HC diet (n=58): energy-matched, CHO 53%, protein 17%, fat 30% (10% saturated fat) + physical activity (60 min; 3 day/week)

12 months

Compared to baseline, in both group

↔ HbA1c, ↔ FPG

↔ BMI, ↔ WC

Compared to HC diet group, VLCKD

↔ MAGE (p=0.09), ↘ CONGA-1 (p=0.003), ↘ CONGA-4 (p=0.02), ↔ time in euglycemia, ↔ time in hypoglycemia, ↘ medication (p=0.02)

↘ TAG (p=0.001), ↗ HDL-c (p=0.002)

Hussain et al., 2012




277 ♀/86 ♂

BMI 37.3±0.3 kg/m2

Non-diabetic (261) and T2D (102)

HbA1c 7.9±0.1%

With the diet initiation, antidiabetic medications were decreased

2 groups attributed on personal preferences.

VLCKD (n=143), initial goal CHO ~ 20 g/day

LCD (n=220), 2200 kcal/day

6 months

In the T2D subgroup and compared to baseline, in both group

↘ weight (p<0.0001), ↘ WC (p<0.0001)

In the T2D subgroup and compared to LCD, VLCKD diet group

↘ TAG (p<0.0001), ↘ T-Chol (p<0.0001), ↘ LDL-c (p<0.0001), ↗ HDL-c (p<0.0001)

Goldstein et al., 2011




27 ♀/25 ♂

35–75 years

BMI 30–39.9 kg/m2


HbA1c >7%

Diet or oral medication

Stage 1 (4 weeks): Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet with 20% kcal restriction

Stage 2 (3 months):

1. Atkins diet no caloric restriction (n=26): <25g CHO/day for 6 weeks and after, ≤40g/day

2. ADA calorie-restricted diet (n=26): ♂ ≥1500 kcal/day, ♀ ≥1200 kcal/day. CHO 40–45%, protein 20%, 35g fibers

3–12 months

Compared to the end of stage 1, in both group

↘ HbA1c, ↔ FPG

↔ weight

↗ TAG (p=0.027), ↘ T-Chol (p=0.038), ↗ HDL-c (p=0.0026)

Data are presented as mean±SD, or mean (range), or as n (%). p-value is indicated for changes (↗ or ↘) in brackets if provided by the authors.

Abbreviations: KD, ketogenic diet; T2D, type 2 diabetes mellitus; T1D, type 1 diabetes mellitus; HbA1c, glycated hemoglobin; FPG, fasting plasma glucose; HOMA, Homeostasis Model Assessment; SU, sulfonylurea; LCHF, low CHO high fat; VLCKD, very low calorie ketogenic diet; BMI, body mass index (kg/m2); WC, waist circumference; OW, overweight subjects; OBW, obese weight subjects; ADA, American Diabetes Association; CHO, CHO; AST, aspartate transaminase; ALT, alanine transaminase; T-Chol, total cholesterol; LDL-c, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; HDL-c, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; TAG, triacylglycerol; ApoB, apolipoprotein B; BHOB, beta-hydroxybutyrate; MAGE, mean amplitude of glycemic excursion; CONGA-1, continuous overall net glycemic action of observations 1 h apart; CONGA-4, continuous overall net glycemic action of observations 4 h apart