Figure 4.
A. Simulation-related neural activity that modulated as a function of subjective vividness. These effects were identified by inclusively masking the outcome of the episodic simulation > non-episodic control contrast (shown in red) with the high > low subjective vividness contrast. The results of this inclusive mask are shown in blue. Illustrated on the right are the parameter estimates extracted from the peak voxel within the left hippocampus cluster for each of two first-level models employed to model each of the four events of interest (i.e., imagined events associated with high vividness, imagined events associated with low vividness, imagined events associated with high episodic details, and imagined events associated with low episodic details). B. Simulation-related neural activity that modulated as a function of the amount of episodic details. These effects were identified by inclusively masking the outcome of the episodic simulation > non-episodic control contrast (shown in red) with the high > low episodic details contrast. The results of this inclusive mask are shown in yellow. Illustrated on the right are the parameter estimates extracted from the peak voxel within the left angular gyrus cluster for each of two first-level models employed to model each of the four events of interest. Results are also projected onto a cortical surface using the skull-stripped template of MRIcroGL (see, Rorden, Karnath, & Bonilha, 2007) and overlaid onto the coronal and sagittal sections of the across-participants mean T1-weighted anatomical image.