Table 1.
N | Study Type |
Participants | Telemedicine Mode | Delay between Testing Modalities |
Findings | Ref |
1 | Pilot | 28 | VTC | 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. The interval between each administration was 2 weeks |
No differences in the MMSE and ADAS-cog scores when the tests were administered FTF or by videoconference MMSE of mean ± SD reported for face-to-face examination (13.9 ± 4.9), ADAS-cog (9.0 ± 3.8), videoconference (42.8 ± 12.5), and ADAS-cog mean (56.9 ± SD 5.5). |
[13] |
2 | Pilot | 69 | Telephone and VTC | 1 month after the MMSE FTF assessment; 2-month interval from the VTC administration |
A strong association between the TICSM-(Portuguese version) applied by videoconference and by telephone (r = 0.885), and between them and the MMSE FTF (r = 0.801) | [33] |
3 | Clinical trail | 202 | VTC | Same day | MMMSE administered via VTC and FTF was comparable (with the score is >15). The correlation of score obtained by FTF and video teleconference of Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS) administration was significantly high (mean: 0.80). | [27] |
4 | Experimental | 342 | VTC | Within 6 weeks | VMMSE is comparable with MMSE FTF, but with the cut-off at 28. | [34] |
5 | Clinical trail | 71 | VTC | 6 and 7 weeks | No difference between VMMSE and face-to-face (p = 0.223) examinations. | [35] |
6 | Longitudinal | 20 | VTC | - | The agreement between FTF and videoconference indicates that telemedical assessment is valid to diagnosed AD. The mean MMSE FTF was 23.3 (SD 3.6), VMMSE by videoconference was 24.2 (SD 3.7). | [28] |
7 | Experimental | 20 | VTC | - | MMSE by videoconference and FTF yielded similar results in 60% of patients. However, there was a moderate difference in 40% of two points or more on the MMSE. | [36] |