Figure 6.
Images of undecalcified cut and ground sections of the PI and SPI group after different time points postoperatively. The sections were histologically stained with a mixture of Giemsa and toluidine blue. (A) Overview image of an uncoated pure PEEK implant (PI) after 8 weeks showing new bone formation around the implant outline. (B–E) Additional detail images with higher magnification focusing on the direct bone-implant contact area for SPI (2 weeks (B) and 8 weeks (D)) and PI (2 weeks (C) and 8 weeks (E)). Note: nb—new bone, ob—old bone, X—preparation artifact, ★—elongated irregular-shaped giant cell, ‡—osteoid, #—osteocyte in contact to the implant surface, §—blood vessel, ▲—fibroblast.