Surface-initiated PET-RAFT polymerization of DMA monomers from SiO2-PDP nanoparticles in acetonitrile with prior deoxygenation at 25 °C under blue LED light irradiation (4.8 W, λ max ¼ 465 nm, 1.0 mW cm2). (a) XPS wide-scan spectra of SiO2-PDP, SiO2@PDMA-1, and SiO2@PDMA-2 nanoparticles; (b) plot of ln[M]0/[M]t versus exposure time t at three different Ru(bpy)3Cl2 concentrations with reference to monomer concentration; (c) temporal control over polymerization upon on/off switching of light; and (d) evolution of Mn,NMR, Mn,GPC, and Đ versus monomer conversion. TEM images of (e) SiO2@PDMA-1, (f) SiO2@PDMA-2, and (g) SiO2@PDMA-3 nanoparticles. All scale bars are 100 nm [66].