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. 2021 Aug 20;14(16):4690. doi: 10.3390/ma14164690

Table 1.

Details of test variables.

Reference Chemical Admixture Binder Na2SiO3/
Molarity Water/
Alkali Solution/
Initial Curing Specimen
(fc’, fsp, fr, Ec)
[15] 8.2/408
Class F Fly ash 103/41 and
8,14 -- 41/408 and
10 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h
90 °C (Steam) for 24 h
A, B,-,-
[103] - Class F fly ash 0, 0.15 8, 12.5 0.55 0.4 12 85 °C (Oven) for 20 h I,-,W,B
[27] NA Slag and metakaolin - 3.2 0.35 - NA 20 °C and RH 100% for 28 days
80 °C and RH 100% for 2, 4, 8 h. Autoclave curing at 150 °C for 2 h
[38] - Class F fly ash - - Variable Variable 14 30 °C–35 °C (Steam) for 24 h -,B,T,-
[43] 6 kg/m3 Class F Fly 102/41 14 - 0.35 20 80 °C (Steam) for 24 h without or with rest for 1 day. A,B,-,-
[97] - Fly ash, Rice husk–bark ash 2.5 14 - 0.18 to 0.212 - Ambient curing -
[68] - Class F fly ash 2.5 8 to 16 - 0.35 20 25 °C and 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h I,-,-,-
[24] - Natural pozzolan 0.476 to 0.516 - 0.42 to 0.55 Variable 14 Sealed curing (20 °C, 60 °C) G,A,-,A
[25] 0.3% to 2% GGBS 1/7.5 - Variable 0.25 to 0.6 8.5% and 2% 25 Ambient curing A,A,U,-
[87] 6.1/498.46 to 6.1/394.29 Class F Fly ash with OPC 1.5–2.5 14 15.97/
426.62 to 28.51/
0.3–0.4 20 60 °C for 24 h.
70 °C for 12 h.
75 °C for 24 h.
[48] 2% Low calcium fly ash 2.5 10 0.25 0.55 20 100 °C I,B,H,-
[42] 3% Class F fly ash 2.5 12 0.1 0.4 19 Ambient curing and 60 °C for 24 h I,B,H,-
[30] 6/360 Class F fly ash& GGBS 2, 2.5 14 0.197,
0.37,0.4 20 Ambient curing at 17–22 °C and 70 ± 10% RH -
[31] - Class F fly ash and GGBS 0.15 12.2 - 0.5 14 80 °C (Sealing) for 48 h. -.-.H.-
[66] NA Class F fly ash 1 9 - 0.56 19 Air curing for 24 h followed by 60 °C steam for 48 h. A,A.-,-
[13] - Class C Fly ash with Nanosilica or Nanoalomina 2 10 - 0.6 - Normal curing at 27 °C L,-,M,D
[19] 6% Fly ash and silica fume 2.5 - 0.12 57/400 14 70 °C (Oven) for 48 h G,A,H,-
[104] 7.67/639 Class F fly ash 2.5 14 0.39 252/639 20 Heat curing at 60 °C for 24 h I,B,H,B
[105] 15/494 Class F and class C fly ashes 1 14 - 198/494 -464/494 10 60 °C for 72 h B,B,F,B
[18] - Class F fly ash 0.33 to 3 5,10,15 - 2 to 2.8 12.5 Oven curing (25, 40, 60 °C) for 48 h G,-,-B
[14] - Class F Fly ash& Nanosilica 1.75 8,10,12 - 0.4 - Ambient curing at 27 °C J,-,K,-
[34] 1.5% Class-F FA and POFA 2.5 14 0.1 0.55 9.5 65 °C for 48 h G,A,H,B
[88] 0 to 0.115 Low calcium fly ash 1.5 14 0 to 0.14 0.37 - Ambient curing and 70° for 24 h A,A,-,A
[22] - Class C fly ash 1,2 10,15,20 - 107/414, 208/414 20 60 °C (Oven) or ambient curing for 24 h A,A,-,B
[90] - Low calcium fly ash 2 14 - 0.3,0.35,0.4 - 30°C and 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h J,-,H,-
[82] 1% Class F Fly ash & Silica fume 0 14 0.2 0.4 20 100 °C (Oven) for 72 h G,B,H,-
[32] - Low calcium fly ash and granulated lead smelter slag (GLSS) 1.5 14 - 0.37,0.5,0.75 - Ambient curing and 70 °C for 24 h and 48 h -
[20] 6% Fly ash with silica fume or with GGBS 2.5 12 0.12 200/450 12.5 Heat curing for 48 h I,B,H,-
[106] 2.5% Class F fly ash, bagasse ash, rice husk ash 2.5 12 - 0.3 20 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h I,B,H,-
[41] - Class C Fly ash with OPC and inorganic aluminasilicate
Variable 10 Variable Variable 15 100 °C (Oven) for 24 h
& 40 °C water for 28 days
[86] Variable upto 6% Class F Fly ash, OPC, GGBS 2.5 14 Variable upto 0.55 140/400 & 160/400 10 Ambient curing at 18–23 °C and 70 ± 10%RH A,A,F,-
[62] 2.5/400 to 47/400 Class F fly ash 2.48 to 3.31 12,16,18 0.025 to 0.0875 0.3 to 0.45 9.5 Heat curing at 50 °C for 48 h G,N,-,A
[79] - Class F fly ash and GGBS 2.5 10 55/409 0.35 20 Ambient curing -
[107] - Fly ash and GGBS 2.5 - 0.25 - - Ambient curing L,P,Q,-
[108] - Granite and slag powder - - - - - Heat curing at 60 and 80 °C for 8 h D,-D,-
[74] - Class F fly ash and GGBS 2.5 10 55/409 0.35 20 Ambient curing I,B,H,-
[109] - Class F Fly ash& GGBS 2259.2/320 8 - - 20 Indoor, outdoor and oven B,B,E,-
[110] 0,1.47%,1.52% Fly ash 2, 2.5 8,16 0.158 to 0.31 0.35,0.4,0.45 - 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h -
[111] - Class F fly ash with GGBS 2.5 12 - 0.45 20 Heat curing for 48 h I,B,H,-
[76] - Metakaolin and GGBS 2.5 10 - 186/414 20 Ambient curing I,B,H,-
[112] 7.9/197.5 Class F Fly ash & GGBS 129/52 8,4 - 52/197.5 20 Ambient curing at 30 °C and RH of 65% I,B,-,-
[47] - Class F Fly ash Variable 16 27.07/400 to 36.02/350 Variable 14 90 °C (Oven) for 24 h I,-,H,-
[89] - Class F fly ash and GGBS 171/69 - - 240/480 20 Ambient curing I,B,H,B
[113] - Fly ash 2.5 - - 0.6 20 heat curing at 80 °C for 24 h I,-,-,-
[35] - WBG, Class F fly ash, GBFS, waste ceramic 3 Variable 2 to 16 - 0.55 - Ambient curing L,N,D,-
[114] 2% Class F Fly ash 2.5 8,12,16 Variable 0.45 14 Ambient curing at 27 °C I,I,-,-
[77] 3.04/380.66 Class F fly ash and GGBS - 10 - 219.31/380.66 20 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h G,A,-,B
[78] 6/500 and 9/500 Class F fly ash and GGBS 1.5 to 2.5 14 - 0.45 10 70 °C (Oven) for 48 h G,A,H,-
[75] 0.83% to 0.96% Class F fly ash and GGBS 2.5 8 - 0.55 to 0.944 - Ambient curing I,B,H,B
[115] 2% Class F fly ash
2.5 16 0.05 0.45 20 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h I,B,H,-
[29] - Class F Fly ash,
Palm kernel shell ash, Rice husk ash
8,12 - 214.15/
- Ambient curing -
[23] 1% Class C fly ash 1 10,15 - 0.45–0.6 20 Ambient curing A,-,-,A
[46] - Class F fly ash 117.4/67.1 10 79.2/410 0.4 16 75 °C (Oven) for 26 h or ambient curing. I,-,H,A
[116] 0.5% Class F fly ash 2 16 0.1 0.5 10,20 100 °C (Oven) for 24 h I,B,O,-
[58] SCC (3%) Class F Fly ash, MK, GGBS 2.5 8,10,12 1% to 12% 0.47 - 70 °C (Oven) for 24 h G,B,H,-
[84] - Class F fly ash with calcium aluminate cement 124.55/
- 132.43/
169/563.54 - 75 °C (Curing box) for 16 h G,I,-,V
[117] - Class F fly ash and GBBS 2.5 12 - 0.46 20 60 °C (Oven) for 24 h I,B,H,-
[118] - Class F fly ash, metakaolin - 14 - - 20 80 °C for 24 h I,B,O,-
[36] - GGBS, SCBA 2.5 5 75/433.5 238.44/
20 Sunlight curing I,B,H,-
[119] - High calcium fly ash - - 0.25 - - Ambient curing L,-,-,-
[37] - GGBS, Bagasse ash 170.32/
5,10,15 75/
20 In direct sunlight I,B,H,-
[17] From 1% to 4% Fly ash, Limestone powder 1 8–16 0.167 to 0.23 0.35 12.5 80 °C (Oven) for 48 h B,B,R,B
[80] - Class F Fly ash, GGBS 112.65/
10 59.142/394.3 45.06/394.3 12.5 Ambient curing G,A,H,B
[85] - Class F fly ash and GBBS Variable - 0.3 - - Ambient curing C,-,D,-
[81] - Fly ash and GGBS 2.5 12 - - - - -
[21] 1.2% GGBS with nano silica 2.5 10,12,16 0.27 0.45 14 60 °C Oven curing -,B,H,-
[91] - Class F fly ash 2.5 12 31/420 210/420 14 80 °C (Oven) for 24 h A,A,-,A
[120] - Metakaolin and Bottom ash - 8 - 0.5 - Ambient curing -
[92] - Class C fly ash 1 10 78.3/450 0.3 20 70 °C (Oven) for 24 h A,A,S,-
[121] - Class F fly ash 2 14 - 0.5 14 23 ± 2℃ and relative humidity 80 ± 5%. B,B,R,-
[59] 2% Class F fly ash 2.5 8,12,16 0.25 Variable 9.5 70 °C (Oven) for 24 h B,B,E,-

POFA = palm oil fuel ash, WBG = Waste bottle glass, SCBA = Sugarcane Bagasse ash, A = 100 mm × 200 mm cylinder, B = 150 mm × 300 mm cylinder, C = 40 mm cube, D = 40 mm × 40 mm × 160 mm prism, E = 75 mm × 75 mm × 400 mm prism, F = 100 mm × 100 mm × 400 mm prism, G = 100 mm cube, H = 100 mm × 100 mm × 500 mm prism, I = 150 mm cube, J = 70.6 mm cube, K = 50 mm × 50 mm × 200 mm prism, L = 50 mm cube, M = 25mm × 50mm cylinder, N = 75 mm × 150 mm cylinder, O = 150 mm × 150 mm × 700 mm prism, P = 25 mm × 25 mm × 76 mm dog bone shape, Q = 75 mm × 75 mm × 285 mm prism, R = 150 mm × 150 mm × 500 mm prism, S = 150 mm × 150 mm × 600 mm prism, T = 100 mm × 100 mm × 300 mm prism, U = 150 mm × 150 mm × 550 mm prism, V= 150 mm × 150 mm × 300 mm prism, W = 150 mm × 100 mm × 700 mm prism.