Transport mechanisms for delivering nanoparticles (NPs) into the blood–retinal barrier (BRB). The BRB is exceedingly selective and has unambiguous transport mechanisms allowing a close control of molecules/cells that enter the retina. Loosening of tight junctions (TJs) either due to the presence of a surfactant in NPs or by BRB impairment due to pathological conditions allows the movement of NPs through the BRB. (A) NPs’ admittance into the retina is through receptor-mediated transcytosis. (B) The NPs interact with respective receptors on the endothelial cell surface, which leads to plasma membrane invaginations, vesicle formation, and, therefore, the release of the NPs at the other side of the membrane. (C) NPs coated with chitosan or other polysaccharides can cross the BRB by adsorptive transcytosis.