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. 2021 Aug 7;21(16):5334. doi: 10.3390/s21165334

Table 4.

Comparative study of methodologies and results between proposed study and previous studies.

Study Study Sample EMG Features Findings Application
Lu et al. [18] Eight post-stroke subjects Root mean square (RMS), 4th order auto regressive (AR)
Coefficients, and waveform length (WL)
Mean classification accuracy,
GNB): 84.8%;
SVM: 83.3%;
paired t-Test, p: 0.125
Classification of six hand motion patterns for controlling a robotic hand
Lee et al. [67] Twenty stroke patients Mean absolute value (MAV), the number of zero crossing (ZC), the slope sign change (SSC), and WL Mean classification accuracy,
LDA: =
71.3% for moderately impaired subjects.
Classification of task-specific hand movements
Castiblanco et al. [61] Eighteen stroke patients and twenty-eight healthy control MAV, RMS, SSC, MNF, mean power (MNP), MDF, and spectral moments (SM) Accuracy classification
of stroke and control group,
KNN: 0.87;
SVM: 0.82, and LDA: 0.74.
Identification of the fingers and hand motions for robotics-based rehabilitation.
Angelova et al. [62] Ten stroke patients and fifteen healthy adults Power spectrum features: MNF, MDF, Maximal power MNF and MDF are lower for stroke patients compared with healthy control group. Identification of changes in features during elbow flexion.
Proposed study Forty-eight stroke patients and seventy-five healthy adults MNF, MDF, PKF, TP, MP Classification performance,
neural network model: precision: 88%, specificity: 89%,
accuracy: 80%.
Prediction of stroke-impaired myoelectrical changes through statistics and machine learning for understanding post-stroke impairment.