Applications of Nanomaterials. 0D and 1D nanomaterials have extensive applications throughout multiple sectors. Nanosheets, a 1D nanomaterial, are highly utilized in electronics as they can be highly conductive and sensitive. Nanoparticles are a 0D nanomaterial that are highly employed for drug delivery. Most notably, nanoparticle technology is used in the delivery of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines. Nanotubes are long, 1D nanomaterials that can vary in thickness depending on their application. For bio-imaging, single walled carbon nanotubes can be used to target specific tissues and emit a fluorescent signal bright enough to be detected. Finally, quantum dots, or buckyballs, vary slightly from nanoparticles in their composition. They are smaller and emit a light when excited, making them useful for lasers, amongst other applications.