Table 1.
Historical events of relevance to the establishment and evolution of the global PGRFA conservation, including the international network of base collections.
Year | Event | Main Outputs and (References) | Underpinning Principles (Reference) |
Since 1920 | Establishment of first genebanks | VIR, St. Petersburg (1920); Commonwealth Potato Collection, Cambridge (<2nd World War); research collections by Rockefeller Foundation, USA (1943); Fort Collins, CO, USA (1958) [12] | Recognition of genetic erosion in landraces by [14] |
1926 | Publication Studies on the Origin of Cultivated Plants by N. Vavilov | Monograph in Bulletin of Applied Botany and Plant-Breeding; [11] | ‘This monograph, dedicated to the memory of De Candolle, seems to be the most substantial contribution made since his day to the history of our main cultivated plants’ [23]. |
1960 | Founding of IRRI | Jointly established by Government of the Philippines’ and the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations [24] | One of the first international genebanks; focus on rice genepool. |
1961 | Technical Meeting on Plant Exploration and Introduction, FAO Rome | Report of the meeting [15] | Mission-driven approach: conservation and use closely linked, tied to plant breeding, dominance of ex situ collections, mainly in developed countries. |
1965 | Establishment of the FAO Panel of Experts on Plant Exploration and Introduction. | Six meetings and reports of same during period from 1967–1975 [16] | Formulation of criteria, standards, and procedures for the conservation and use of PGR. |
1966 | Formal establishment of CIMMYT | Joint Mexican—Ford Foundation breeding project in progress since 1943 [25] | Norman Borlaug awarded Nobel Peace Prize (as wheat breeder) in 1970. |
1966 | EUCARPIA meeting | Recommendation to foster continental collaboration through the establishment of four sub-regional genebanks in Europe [12] | First indications of establishing a (global) conservation system or network. |
1967 | FAO/IBP (first) Technical Conference on Plant Exploration, Utilization and Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources, Rome | Publication of Genetic Resources in Plants—Their Exploration and Conservation [18] | Need for surveys; concern about genetic erosion of landraces and wild relatives; long-term ex situ collections; guidelines for establishment of global network for ex situ long-term conservation; international collaboration; in situ conservation as a complementary strategy. |
1969 | Third Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Plant Exploration and Introduction, Rome | Report [3] | Establishment of collecting priorities by crops (and later) by regions. |
1971 | Second FAO Technical Conference on crop genetic resources, Rome, Italy | Book on Crop Genetic Resources for Today and Tomorrow [19] | Plan of action agreed; panel of experts formulated basic criteria for conservation and use of genetic material (availability; maintaining genetic variability for the long-term; categorizing ex situ collections: base, active, and working collections. |
1973 | FAO/IBP Technical Conference on Genetic Resources, Rome, Italy | Plan of Action [19] | Recommendation to establish in situ collections. |
1974 | Establishment of IBPGR | Established as secretariat for its board of trustees, administered by FAO and, technically, as one of the international centres of the CGIAR [26] | Expected to coordinate global exploration and collecting efforts and to orchestrate a global network of genebanks. |
1981 | Third FAO, UNEP and IBPGR Technical Conference on PGR, Rome, Italy | Report [21] | Clear focus on routine genebank operations; in vitro and in situ (CWRs) conservation; concerns about NUS. |
1983 | 22nd Session of the FAO Conference, Rome, Italy | Adoption of the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources; establishment of the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA) and of the Global System on Plant Genetic Resources [27] | Shared principles; IU non-legally binding; PGRs are a common heritage of humankind; genetic stocks and breeding lines included; germplasm exchange through a network of genebanks; commission provides oversight to system. |
1989 | 3rd Regular Session of Commission on GRFA, Rome, Italy | Call for the development of the International Network of Ex Situ Collections under the Auspices of FAO [28] | Lack of clarity regarding the legal situation of the ex situ collections. |
1989 | 25th Session of the FAO Conference, Rome, Italy | Resolution 4/89: Adoption of an agreed interpretation of the IU; Resolution 5/89: Farmers’ Rights [29] | Plant breeders’ rights are not inconsistent with IU; recognition of Farmers’ Rights. |
1991 | 26th Session of the FAO Conference, Rome, Italy | Resolution 3/91 [30] | Recognition of the sovereign rights of nations over their PGRFA; agreement on development of 1st State of the World’s PGRFA and Global Plan of Action on PGR. |
1992 | UN Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) (entered into force on 29 December 1993); | Biodiversity vs. genetic resources; national sovereignty of states over their resources. |
Chapter 14 of Agenda 21 | Call for the strengthening of the FAO Global System on Plant Genetic Resources. | ||
Chapter 16 of Agenda 21 | Biotechnology can assist in the conservation of biological resources (e.g., ex situ techniques); risk assessment of LMOs, biosafety issues. | ||
Adoption of Resolution 3 of the Nairobi Final Act [31] | Recognises matters not addressed by the convention: a. access to existing ex situ collections; b. questions on Farmers’ Rights; requests FAO forum to address these matters. | ||
1994 | 1st Extraordinary Session of the CGRFA, Rome | Start of negotiations for revision of IU; 12 centres of CGIAR sign agreement with FAO, placing their collections under the Auspices of FAO [32]) | CGIAR centres agree to hold the designated germplasm in trust for the benefit of the international community. |
1996 | 4th International Technical Conference on PGR, Leipzig, Germany | Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA [21]; First Report on the State of the World’s PGRFA [33] | Recognition of in situ and ex situ approaches; fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the use of PGRFA. |
2001 | 31st Session of the FAO Conference, Rome, Italy | Resolution 3/2001: adoption of the International Treaty (entered into force on 11 September 2004) [34] | A legally binding agreement; recognition of Farmers’ Rights (a national responsibility); access and benefit-sharing |
2004 | Establishment of the Global Crop Diversity Trust | Endowment fund, the income from which will be used to support the conservation of distinct and important crop diversity in perpetuity through existing institutions [35]. | Coordinates the Genebank Platform (of the CGIAR operated genebanks) |
2006 | First meeting of the Governing Body of the ITPGRFA, Madrid, Spain | Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA); relationship between the Treaty and the Crop Trust; agreement between GB and CGIAR centres (Art. 15) [36]. | SMTA is the legal instrument through which the MLS operates; recognition of the Crop Trust as an ‘essential element’ of the Treaty’s funding strategy; ex situ genebank collections of CGIAR are put under the Treaty (replacing agreement between CG centres and FAO). |
2008 | Establishment of the Svalbard Global Seed Vault | Agreement [37]. | Additional safety back-up for long-term ex situ collections. |
2009 | 12th Regular Session of the CGRFA, Rome, Italy | Second Report on the State of the World’s PGRFA [38] | Report developed through a participatory approach with member countries |
2011 | 143rd Session of the FAO Council, Rome, Italy | Second Global Plan of Action for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of PGRFA [39] | Need for a roadmap on climate change and genetic resources for food and agriculture |