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. 2021 Jul 31;12(8):914. doi: 10.3390/mi12080914

Table 4.

Effect of conductive nano-construct on cell morphology.

Category Conductive Construct Mechanical Properties Electrical Properties Cell Line Cellular Response
Carbon NMs Collagen/SWCNTs composite [114] - Two-probe technique, σ = 1.72 × 10−9/Ω NRVMs Enhanced assembly of intercalated discs.
rGO, Na-alginate
hydrogels [110]
G’ = 1 kPa at ω = 10 rad/s Four-probe technique, σ = 1/9 ± 0.16 × 105 S/m Neonatal rat CMs Striated morphology with elevated expression of actn4, cTnT2, Cx43
cardiac patch [117]
E = 340 kPa Four-probe technique, σ = 22 µS/m CMs Two-folds increase in actinin and Cx43 expression with five-folds increase in cTnT2
OPF/GO hydrogels
- σ= 4.24 mS/cm Neonatal rat cardiac fibroblasts Well organised striated sarcomeres, enhanced expression α-tubulin, actinin, ID-related proteins
composites [119]
- EIS, Z = 1.2 kΩ mESCs-CMs Contractile morphology, elevated levels of MHC, Cx43, β-actin, cTnT after 14 days
patch [118]
UTS = 5.32 MPa, E = 8.42 MPa Four-probe technique, σ = 84 µS/m CMs Cx43 and actn4 up-regulated by 3 and 4.4 folds, respectively
Metallic NMs GelMA/GNRs
Hydrogels [116]
E = 1.1 kPa LCR meter, Z < 1 kΩ (102 to 106 Hz) CMs Increased cytoskeletal organisation, enhanced expression of Cx43, α-actinin, cTnI, synchronous beating patterns.
Laponite loaded
myocardial ECM/
gold NPs hydrogels
- - Neonatal rat CMs Less apoptosis rate, strong cardiac phenotype.
Gold NPs/PCL-gelatin membranes [115] - - NRVMs Elongated and aligned morphology. High contraction amplitude
Chitosan/Se NPs
films [95]
UTS = 19 kPa, εr = 67%, σ = 5.5 mS/cm H9c2 Filopodia-like morphology
Chitosan/TiO2 NPs hydrogels [94] E = 1.5 MPa - CMs Better cell-matrix interaction, Interconnected cardiac layers

Abbreviations: SWCNTs: single-wall carbon nanotubes, NRVMs: neonatal rat ventricular myocytes, OPF: oligo(poly(ethylene glycol) fumarate), GO: graphene oxide, ID: intercalated discs, EIS: electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, mESCs-CMs: mouse embryonic stem cells derived cardiomyocytes, Se: selenium, G’: shear storage modulus, εr: strain at rupture, UTS: ultimate tensile strength, E = elastic modulus.