Maximum Level (µg/kg)
Unprocessed cereals except durum wheat, oats and maize |
1250 |
Unprocessed durum wheat and oats |
1750 |
Unprocessed maize except for unprocessed maize intended to be processed by wet milling |
1750 |
Cereals intended for direct human consumption, cereal flour, bran and germ as end product marketed for direct human consumption |
750 |
Dry pasta |
750 |
Bread, pastries, biscuits, cereal snacks and breakfast cereal |
500 |
Processed cereal based foods and baby foods for infants and young children |
200 |
Products Intended for Animal Feed
Guidance Value Relative to a Feedingstuff with a Moisture Content of 12% (µg/kg)
Cereals and cereal products with the exception of maize by-products |
8000 |
Maize by-products |
12,000 |
Complementary and complete feedingstuff (with the exception of those listed below) |
5000 |
Complementary and complete feedingstuff for pigs |
900 |
Complementary and complete feedingstuff for calves (<4 months), lambs, and kids |
2000 |