Figure 5.
MS2 spectra and explanatory fragmentation schemes of Gb4Cer (d18:1, C24:1/C24:0) of DRM fraction F2 (A) and Gb4Cer (d18:1, C24:2/C24:1/C24:0) of nonDRM fraction F7 (B) obtained from replicate 2 of pHRPTEpiCs. The expanded m/z range of the [M+Na+] precursor ions at m/z 1359.85/1361.86 (A, insert) and those at m/z 1357.84/1359.85/1361.86 shown (B, insert) illustrate the different Gb4Cer lipoforms harboring a C24:2, C24:1, and C24:0 fatty acid. The MS2 spectra demonstrate, together with the corresponding fragmentation schemes, the proof of structure of the MS1-deduced proposed Gb4Cer species, each carrying a ceramide portion composed of a uniform sphingosine (d18:1) moiety and a fatty acid that varies in chain saturation as indicated. For further details of the gradient fractions, refer to the captions of Figure 3 and Figure 4.