Algorithm 1. Rating prediction based on sentiment for user and item . | |
1. | Function sentiment_ratingPred (user , item ) { |
2. | //This function is used to obtain theterm of Equation (1) |
3. | //Step 1: |
4. | FOR each item in the training set: |
5. | IF user already rated item AND review score matches rating THEN |
6. | Add to list of items ; |
7. | //The result of this step is a set of m items |
8. | //Step 2: |
9. | FOR each user in the training set: |
10. | FOR each item in the set of items : |
11. | IF user already rated item AND user already rated item
AND their review scores match ratings |
12. | Add user to list of users ; |
13. | //The results of this step is a set of n users |
14. | //Step 3: |
15. | IF length(U)>0 THEN |
16. | FOR each user in the set of user : |
17. | Compute = sim (user , user ) by applying cosine metric; |
18. | Add to ; |
19. | //The result is a set of n similarity values |
20. | Set the K value to select the K nearest neighbors using S; |
21. | Compute the predicted rating by applying the Equation (2); |
22. | |
23. | Return ; |
24. | ELSE |
25. | Return 0; |
26. | } |