Figure 2.
SARS-CoV-2 infections in the olfactory system. The scale bar in (A) is 1 mm, in (D) is 100 μm, and in all others is 20 μm. (A) DAB staining with the antibody to ACE2 in dorsomedial (A-1), ventromedial (A-2), dorsolateral (A-3), and ventrolateral (A-4) MOE of the mock group: ACE2 was expressed on the apical surface of the epithelium and luminal surface of Bowman’s glands (arrowhead). In the lateral region, ACE2 expression on the apical surface becomes weak and sparse; (B) DAB staining with the antibody to ACE2 in the non-sensory epithelium (NSE) and VSE: ACE2 was expressed on some of the apical surface of NSE and cavernous tissues (B-1). ACE2 expression was also observed in the apical portion of the VSE, intraepithelial capillaries, and blood vessel walls just below the epithelium (B-2); (C,D) DAB staining with the antibody to nucleocapsid (N) and spike (S) protein in the MOE of the infected group. Both N and S protein were expressed on the epithelial cells spanning the whole layer of the MOE; (E,F) DAB staining with the antibody to N and S protein in VSE. N protein was expressed on the whole height of the VSE, whereas S protein was expressed on the perinuclear region and apical portion of the VSE.