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. 2021 Jul 24;13(8):1442. doi: 10.3390/v13081442

Table 2.

New isolate sequences of strawberry-infecting viruses and their closest homolog in GenBank.

Virus Isolate ID Top Hit ID %ID % Cov Virus Isolate ID Top Hit ID %ID % Cov
ApMV H2401 MZ320192 KY965059.1 92 100 SMoV H2389 MZ326670 KU200461.1 83 99
H2403 MZ320193 KY965059.1 92 99 H2396 MZ326671 MH746440.1 97 99
H2413 MZ320194 KY965059.1 92 100 H2404 MZ326672 LC550286.1 94 99
BPYV H2416 MZ320195 AY330918.2 83 98 H2405 MZ326673 LC550287.1 96 100
H2433 MZ320196 AY330918.2 100 100 SMYEV H2423 MZ326674 D12517.1 99 100
H2391 MZ320197 AY330918.2 100 100 H2424 MZ326675 KR559736.1 80 100
H2396 MZ320198 AY330918.2 99 100 H2425 MZ326676 LC515236.1 82 99
H2401 MZ320199 AY330918.2 99 100 H2429 MZ326677 KR559736.1 79 99
H2402 MZ320200 AY330918.2 99 100 H2432 MZ326678 KR350470.1 89 100
H2403 MZ320201 AY330918.2 99 100 H2435 MZ326679 KX150372.1 82 100
H2405 MZ320202 AY330918.2 100 100 H2470 MZ326680 KR559736.1 79 99
H2407 MZ320203 AY330918.2 100 100 H2394 MZ326681 KR559736.1 80 100
H2408 MZ320204 AY330918.2 99 100 H2398 MZ326682 LC515236.1 97 100
H2409 MZ320205 AY330918.2 99 100 H2400 MZ326683 D12517.1 91 100
H2413 MZ320206 AY330918.2 100 100 H2402 MZ326684 KR559736.1 80 100
H2415 MZ320207 AY330918.2 100 100 H2406 MZ326685 KR350470.1 88 100
H2419 MZ320208 AY330918.2 100 100 H2408 MZ326686 AJ577359.1 98 100
FCCV H2425 MZ320209 DQ093961.2 100 100 H2422 MZ326687 KR350470.1 85 100
H2427 MZ320210 DQ093961.2 100 100 SPaV H2435 MZ351164 AY488138.2 100 99
H2428 MZ320211 DQ093961.2 99 99 H2391 MZ351165 MN747001.1 86 63
FCILV H2425 MZ320212 AY682102.1 100 100 H2407 MZ351166 AY488137.2 79 71
H2426 MZ320213 AY682102.1 100 99 H2419 MZ351167 MN747001.1 88 99
H2427 MZ320214 AY682102.1 95 100 H2420 MZ351168 MN747001.1 90 97
H2428 MZ320215 AY682102.1 95 100 SPV-1 H2429 MZ351169 KM233706.1 97 100
SCFaV H2399 MZ320216 DQ860839.1 100 100 H2470 MZ351170 MK142237.1 98 99
SCrV-3 H2432 MZ326662 EU267168.1 100 91 H2400 MZ351171 KM233706.1 97 100
H2435 MZ326663 EU267168.1 100 92 H2404 MZ351172 KM233705.1 99 100
H2406 MZ326664 EU267168.1 96 91 H2409 MZ351173 KM233705.1 98 100
SCrV-4 H2432 MZ326665 KY488557.1 83 77 SVBV H2431 MZ351174 X97304.1 100 100
H2406 MZ326666 KY488557.1 83 76 H2393 MZ351175 X97304.1 100 100
H2420 MZ326667 KY488557.1 98 71 H2421 MZ351176 KX950836.1 98 100
SCV H2395 MZ326668 MH129615.1 94 100 ToRSV H2392 MZ351177 KM083892.1 82 99
H2399 MZ326669 MH129615.1 99 100

Strawberry mottle virus (SMoV), beet pseudo yellows virus (BPYV), strawberry pallidosis-associated virus (SPaV), tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV), strawberry mild yellow edge virus (SMYEV), strawberry vein banding virus (SVBV), strawberry crinkle virus (SCV), strawberry polerovirus 1 (SPV-1), apple mosaic virus (ApMV), strawberry chlorotic fleck virus (SCFaV), strawberry crinivirus 4 (SCrV-4), strawberry crinivirus 3 (SCrV-3), Fragaria chiloensis latent virus (FClLV) and Fragaria chiloensis cryptic virus (FCCV). Identity for GenBank accession number (ID), coverage (Cov). Blue shading, proportional to the value, highlights divergent isolates.