Antigen Expression and Inferferon-Gamma Release assays in human breast cancer cells
(A) Expression of antigens in human breast cancer cell MDA-MB-468 was measured by flow cytometry, and percentages are graphically represented. Within the inset are representative data showing the CD133 expression at 86.45%. (B) Expression of antigens in human breast cancer cell MDA-MB-231 was measured by flow cytometry, and percentages are graphically represented. Within the inset are representative data showing the CD133 expression at 1.35%. (C) Interferon-gamma release assay when MDA-MB-468 cells exposed to DCs transfected with human CD133, CD 4+, and CD8+ T cells or DCs transfected with human CD133 and CD8+ T cells or non-transfected DCs with CD4+ and CD8+ T cells or non-transfected DCs with CD8+ T cells. This shows that the group with the largest amount of interferon-gamma production was the culture including MDA-MB-468 cells with DCs transfected with human CD133, CD4+, and CD8+ T cells.