Fig. 5. Features of transposon breakpoints.
Distributions in Ifp2 and Tcr-pble inserted in the presence of Mm523 (a and b) and Hs524 (c and d), and theoretical distribution whether insertions of fragments containing Ifp2-NeoR or Tcr-pble-NeoR occur at random (e and f). Black and grey bars correspond to percentages of breakpoints located within the plasmid backbone flanking the transposon and those located within inner transposon regions (from the position 2 in TIR to the primer used for the LAM-PCR), respectively. Four kinds of junctions were observed: those displaying i) a full TIR sequence and a putative TTAA TSD (Red bars from positions 101 to 104 and 2222 to 2225 in supplementary Table 3a and 4a and 101 to 104 and 731 to 734 in supplementary Table 5a and 6a), ii) a region containing an intact TIR and a TTAA TSD juxtaposed with a small piece of plasmid backbone (black bars from positions 1 to 100 and 2226 to 2301 in supplementary Table 3a and 4a and 1 to 100 and 735 to 833 in supplementary Table 5a and 6a), iii) no TTAA TSD but a full TIR sequence (blue bars from positions 102 to 105 and 2218 to 2221 in in supplementary Table 3a and 4a and 102 to 105 and 727 to 730 in supplementary Table 5a and 6a), and iv) no apparent TTAA TSD and a TIR sequence lacking one or several nucleotides at its outer end (black bars from positions 107 to 178 and 2147 to 2217 in supplementary Table 3a and 4a and 106 to 173 and 669 to 726 in supplementary Table 5a and 6a). In (d), n. a. indicates that data were “not available” because the number of transposon/chromosome junctions was too small to perform statistics.