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. 2021 Aug 10;15(8):e0009657. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009657

Table 1. Studies included in the systematic review.

First author, year Country Funding source/ Declaration Snake species Method of snake identification Median (IQR) time to hospital Reference test Number of 20WBCT True positive False negative True negative False positive Sensitivity (Confidence interval) Specificity (Confidence interval)
Thongtonyong [32], 2020 Thailand NR / No conflict of interest Calloselasma rhodostoma Dead snake and photographs 1.2 h (IQR NR fibrinogen <100 mg/dL 296 98 23 158 17 0·81 (0·73–0·88) 0·90 (0·85–0·94)
Wijewickrama [31], * 2020 Sri Lanka NMHRC/ No conflict of interest Hypnale spp and Daboia russelli Enzyme immunoassay (EIA) 1.0 h (0.5–2.5) INR > 1·4 157 5 11 130 11 0·31 (0·11–0·59) 0·92 (0·86–0·96)
Tongpoo [33], 2020 Thailand RHMU/ No conflicts of interest Trimeresurus spp Dead snake and syndrome 1.3 h (IQR NR) fibrinogen < 100 mg/dL 38 4 8 26 0 0·33 (0·10–0·65) 1·00 (0·87–1·00)
Bhatt, * 2020 Nepal NR/NR Ovophis monticola and Trimeresurus spp Dead snakes and photographs NR INR >1·4 97 20 1 55 21 0·95 (0·76–1·00) 0.72 (0·61–0·82)
Sharma, * 2020 Nepal NR/NR Daboia russelli and Trimeresurus spp Dead snakes and photographs NR INR >1·4 33 8 1 24 0 0·89 (0·52–1·00) 1·00 (0·86–1·00)
Shenoy [16], 2020 India CMC Vellore/ No conflicts of interest Daboia russelli and Echis carinatus Not specified NR INR >1·4 66 24 1 32 9 0·96 (0·80–1·00) 0·78 (0·62–0·89)
Dsilva [34], 2019 India NR/ No conflicts of interest Daboia russelli and Echis carinatus Not specified NR INR >1·4 60 8 3 35 14 0·73 (0·39–0·94) 0·71 (0·57–0·83)
Saengnoi [35], 2019 Thailand RHMU/ No conflicts of interest Trimeresurus spp and Daboia siamensis Dead snakes and photographs NR fibrinogen <100 mg/dL 48 0 1 43 4 0·00 (0·00–0·98) 0.91 (0·80–0·98)
Oliveira [5], * 2019 Brazil CAPES, CNPQ and FAPEAM/ No conflicts of interest Bothrops spp Dead snakes and EIA NR fibrinogen <100 mg/dL 100 54 26 20 0 0·68 (0·56–0·78) 1·00 (0·83–1·00)
Silva [14], 2018 Sri Lanka NR/NR Daboia russelli, Hypnale hypnale, and Bungarus caeruleus Dead snakes NR INR >1·5 92 14 12 62 4 0·54 (0·33–0·73) 0.94 (0·85–0·98)
Ratnayake [36], 2017 Sri Lanka NMHRC/ No conflicts of interest Daboia russelli and Hypnale spp Dead snakes and EIA NR INR >1·4 987 65 14 895 13 0·82 (0·72–0·90) 0·99 (0·98–0·99)
Biradar [28], 2015 India None/ No conflicts of interest Not specified Dead snakes, photographs or toxidrome NR INR >1·5 112 33 33 41 5 0·50 (0·37–0·63) 0·89 (0·76–0·96)
Paiva [29], 2015 Papua New Guinea NR/NR Oxyuranus scuttelatus Not specified NR fibrinogen <50 mg/dL 60 NR NR NR NR 0·93 0·91
Pongpit [12], 2012 Thailand TRF and CHEMET/ No conflicts of interest Trimeresus albolabris and T. macrops Dead snake or visualisation of green snake NR fibrinogen <100mg/dL 55 6 1 46 2 0·86 (0·42–1·00) 0·96 (0·86–0·99)
Sano-martins [37], 1994 Brazil STDEPC/NR Bothrops spp Dead snake and EIA NR fibrinogen <100mg/dL 69 37 7 23 3 0·84 (0·70–0·93) 0.88 (0·70–0·98)

Key: * Data included from study that did not assess the validity of 20WBCT as primary objective

† Conference abstract

‡ Published MD thesis in repository. NR = Not reported, NHMRC = Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, RHMU = Ramanthibodi Hospital Mahidol Univeristy, CMC = Christian Medical College, CAPES = Coordenção de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Vível Superior, CNPQ = Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, FAPEAM = Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amozonas, TRF = Thailand Research Fund, CHEMET = Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Thailand and STDEPC = Science and Technology for Development Programme of the European Community.