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. 2021 Aug 18;38:107309. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2021.107309
Subject Physiology, Biophysics;
Physical Sciences, Surfaces and Interfaces
Specific subject area Osmotic water permeability of lipid bilayer under a measured bilayer tension
Type of data Table
How data were acquired Electrophysiological methods
Image analysis
Physicochemical calculations
Data format Raw
Parameters for data collection The moving velocity of a lipid bilayer formed in a glass capillary under an osmotic gradient is measured by inspecting bilayer images. The osmotic water permeability for a measured bilayer area and tension is evaluated after correcting the unstirred layer. The streaming potential generated in the presence of the gramicidin channel was evaluated electrophysiologically.
Description of data collection A lipid bilayer of diphytanoylphosphatidylcholine and cholesterol (30 mole%) formed in a glass capillary is subjected to move upon application of an osmotic gradient, and the velocity of the membrane was measured under a microscope (moving membrane method). From the membrane geometry, the bilayer area and tension were evaluated using an integrated method of image analysis and electrophysiology. Also, the unstirred layer was evaluated by a method using the gramicidin channel as a probe, and the streaming potential generated by the gramicidin channel was measured. Accordingly, osmotic water permeability of lipid bilayer in a fixed bilayer area and tension was evaluated.
Data source location Institution: University of Fukui
City/Town/Region: Fukui
Country: Japan
Data accessibility With the article
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